Penelope Weiss

Climbing Saltash

I went barefoot on the mountain. 
When the sun’s blood froze, my heart froze, too.

Somehow, I made it back home.
I built up the fire and sat for a long time at the kitchen window.

The next day, your dog growled at me when I came to see you.
You said I should have patted her on the head
or put out my hand for her to lick.

We’re still friends, but I won’t visit you again.
And I still don’t know why the sun’s blood froze.


I fought bulls and lost.
I fought life and won 
a red ribbon of memory.

The pain is mine.
My eyes see only bulls 
jumping over me
on a bright afternoon.

I wear a face that covers scars,
a denim jacket, a blue earring
and always a black hat.

Penelope Weiss grew up in New York City and now lives in Shrewsbury, Vermont. Storiana, her 
collection of stories, is available on Amazon.
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