Jack Kimball


We were looking for new peanuts.
Not as helpful as I had remembered, Madam?
We had a drink and got into bed.

Performs under pressure, was
Someone, he shouted, "Estudando o Pagode."
Wonderful at frustrating.

Party One was trying to put the screws on
Party Two, unrelated and unknown.

Non-Portuguese speakers leaned over,
And he was gone, a merry disquisition.
Basing this on a Spanish father.

The look of effort,
Villainess this close, close.
Forfeit every word

Dissolved. When looks offered itself smarts,
Bed, no plumbing, in they came,
The bejeezus, tattoos and piercings.

I chew the things we had, too many
Say they are married, too many pebbles
On the shore. Most of them architects.

Architect 2

Flinging decisions
As the potential goes, what?
In the distractional bliss
Only a few women oppose me.

That there are presences still
Gathered by family members
Jeopardizes in resuscitation
Any who find me heroic

Whatever they look like, a conflict
Whatever they come to look like in medicine
Whatever they've become like worries
However we've made this to look.

Jack Kimball blogs at pantaloons and edits Faux Press, publisher of the fabulous Bay Poetics, the first-ever anthology of poets from San Francisco.

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