Alexander Jorgensen

from the China Series

Xiao Mi Feng (Little Bee)

Vehicle for Uighur Buick

Alexander Jorgensen was born and raised of the most mixed and common stock. An incessant traveler, he has lived in the United States, the Czech Republic, the Galapagos Archipelago, India's Himachal Pradesh (in the lap of Himalaya), and the People's Republic of China (where he has divided his time since 2002).

His work has most recently appeared in Big Bridge, Vibrant Gray, Shampoo, and Kabita Pakshik (translations into Bengali by poet and translator, Subhashis Gangopadhyay). "Letters to a Younger Poet," correspondences with the late Robert Creeley, appears in Jacket Magazine #31.

Visit www.alexanderjorgensen.com for links to more work.

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