Carlos Soto-Román

Carlos Soto-Román was born in Valparaíso, Chile. He has published the books La Marcha de los Quiltros (The Mongrel's march,1999), Haiku Minero (Miner Haiku, 2007) and Cambio y Fuera (Over and Out, 2009). He has resided in Philadelphia since March 2009 and is a member of The New Philadelphia Poets and the editor of the new cooperative anthology of U.S. poetry, Elective Affinities.
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excerpts from Philadelphia's Notebooks

Carlos Soto-Román was born in Valparaíso, Chile. He has published the books La Marcha de los Quiltros (The Mongrel's march,1999), Haiku Minero (Miner Haiku, 2007) and Cambio y Fuera (Over and Out, 2009). He has resided in Philadelphia since March 2009 and is a member of The New Philadelphia Poets and the editor of the new cooperative anthology of U.S. poetry, Elective Affinities.
Güena compare!!!
saludos David Bustos
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