Bruno Neiva

I endeavour, through aesthetic objects that can be conventionally called visual poems—in what concerns these classifications, I prefer unstable rather than safe and sound terminology—to scroll language playfully, metalinguistically and multidisciplinary.
1. Taking advantage of any information mean, making use of it freely, studying ways of appropriating and directing it.
2. Inquiring ways of incorporating in the produced object aesthetic elements that may give place to all sorts of debates – but, above all, debates on the object’s properties and conception.
3. Attenuating the frontiers between the various mediums and material supports that we have at our disposal. Applying several techniques, old and new.
4. Avoiding the production of monoideological aesthetic objects.
5. Experimenting, first. Conceptualizing, after.
Bruno Neiva is Portuguese. 27 years old. Experimental writer, visual poet and mail artist. Portuguese and English teacher. Lectures in A Coruña, Spain, where he lives now. Novel and translation in a nearby future. Several books of experimental poetry and prose. Publisher, designer and distributor of his own work – umaestruturaassimsempudorreedições. Participates world widely in visual poetry and mail art exhibitions. All his work is available online at:
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tender antenna (postcard front)
a roar, on the top, right on the spot

expressway to yr skull

The effect of such bareness is often a kind of anxiety

Where should we

I endeavour, through aesthetic objects that can be conventionally called visual poems—in what concerns these classifications, I prefer unstable rather than safe and sound terminology—to scroll language playfully, metalinguistically and multidisciplinary.
1. Taking advantage of any information mean, making use of it freely, studying ways of appropriating and directing it.
2. Inquiring ways of incorporating in the produced object aesthetic elements that may give place to all sorts of debates – but, above all, debates on the object’s properties and conception.
3. Attenuating the frontiers between the various mediums and material supports that we have at our disposal. Applying several techniques, old and new.
4. Avoiding the production of monoideological aesthetic objects.
5. Experimenting, first. Conceptualizing, after.
Bruno Neiva is Portuguese. 27 years old. Experimental writer, visual poet and mail artist. Portuguese and English teacher. Lectures in A Coruña, Spain, where he lives now. Novel and translation in a nearby future. Several books of experimental poetry and prose. Publisher, designer and distributor of his own work – umaestruturaassimsempudorreedições. Participates world widely in visual poetry and mail art exhibitions. All his work is available online at:
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