Jen Besemer

Jen Besemer works with words, actions and images to expose hidden relationships (and discover new ones) between and within those media. The results are often hybridized image-texts, or prose poems disguised as bibliographic citations, or other chimerae. The most recent work has appeared online at Right Hand Pointing, and is forthcoming in e-ratio and the print journals ARTIFICE and Sentence. An e-chapbook, Word Problems, will also be published in early 2012 by White Knuckle Press. Visit to see more.
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Jen Besemer works with words, actions and images to expose hidden relationships (and discover new ones) between and within those media. The results are often hybridized image-texts, or prose poems disguised as bibliographic citations, or other chimerae. The most recent work has appeared online at Right Hand Pointing, and is forthcoming in e-ratio and the print journals ARTIFICE and Sentence. An e-chapbook, Word Problems, will also be published in early 2012 by White Knuckle Press. Visit to see more.
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