Leigh Herrick
Seven KY in Two Voices
Zazen With Asemic Ice
Leigh Herrick is an award-winning poet, writer, and recording artist. Herrick’s books are WITHOUT, HAIKU and HOME FRONT: Poems of the Bush II Years. For full information about Herrick’s writing and other practices, please visit www.LeighHerrick.com.
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Seven KY in Two Voices
1: 7KY.
2: What.
1: Years.
2: What years?
1: Seven. Thousand.
2: What about it?
1: Seven thousand fucking years.
2: So then.
1: Then what?
2: What?
1: What?
1: Y2K.
2: I don’t believe it.
1: Absolutely.
2: No.
1: Eventually. Yes.
2: For what?
1: Boom.
2: What??
1: Boom!
2: It didn’t happen like that!
1: It did.
2: It didn’t!
1: You simply don’t recall.
2: But I do. It slipped by without incident.
1: Exactly.
2: Exactly what?
1: What I’m telling you.
2: Which is—
1: Slipping by.
2: Ah. I never thought of…
1: Yes.
2: …that. So there it is then.
1: Right.
2: Well that’s something.
1: I know.
2: What to do about it?
1: I’m not sure?
2: Shouldn’t we tell someone?
1: Probably.
2: Who?
1: No one.
2: Why?
1: They wouldn’t believe it.
2: Yes.
1: Yes they would or yes they wouldn’t?
2: No. Yes.
1: Right.
2: Yes.
1: Quite then.
2: I never knew what it meant.
1: What?
2: Y2K.
1: Silly.
2: Yes. I?
1: No.
2: Oh, it then.
1: Yes.
2: It came to me.
1: In a dream?
2: How did you know?
1: Well, you know.
2: We’re both here.
1: Yes.
2: In it.
1: Perhaps.
2: Did I tell you about the rainbow?
1: What?
2: The rainbow I saw.
1: Really?
2: Yes.
1: When?
2: Last week. Then I didn’t tell you?
1: What?
2: About the Rainbow! You’re quite on my nerves, you know.
1: Quite?
2: Yes.
1: Good.
2: Bravo.
1: And then?
2: What?
1: What about it?
2: About what?
1: The fucking rainbow!
2: Oh, yes. It was complete.
1: Full?
2: Totally.
1: End to end?
2: One hundred percent.
1: And did you go?
2: Where?
1: To the end?
2: I?
1: What the fuck. Yes. You.
2: Oh.
1: Well?
2: I tried.
1: No.
2: Yes. Really.
1: What did you find?
2: None.
1: You mean no one.
2: No. None.
1: Who then?
2: No heroes.
1: You mean leprechauns.
2: No; HEROES.
1: Well why would you find heroes at the end of a rainbow?
2: You wouldn’t. I’m telling you.
1: But you aren’t looking for them!
2: Not there, surely.
1: But you wouldn’t!
2: Not anywhere.
1: Well, probably.
2: So?
1: Villainy everywhere.
2: That’s Otherwise.
1: Othering.
2: Othersome.
1: B)Othersome
2: B)R)Othersome.
1: It’s not.
2: No.
1: Quite.
2: So?
1: I don’t know.
2: I know.
1: What would you advise?
2: I’ll have to think.
1: Well that’s the end then, isn’t it?
2: I suppose.
1: Yes.
2: Rather.
1: Yes.
2: Did you ever dream you were awake…
1: Yes.
2: …but were actually still asleep?
1: Yes.
2: Does it happen often?
1: To others?
2: I hadn’t thought of that….
1: All the time.
2: To others?
1: To me.
2: Yes.
1: That’s you then.
2: Here?
1: Now.
2: Yes.
1: But we’re awake.
2: Yes.
1: But you’re not sure.
2: Only in my nightmares.
1: That you are?
2: No.
1: I didn’t think so.
2: That I’m awake.
1: Ah. A misunderstanding.
2: It was a lovely rainbow, though.
1: I’m sure.
Zazen With Asemic Ice
Leigh Herrick is an award-winning poet, writer, and recording artist. Herrick’s books are WITHOUT, HAIKU and HOME FRONT: Poems of the Bush II Years. For full information about Herrick’s writing and other practices, please visit www.LeighHerrick.com.
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