Roger Williams
La Proche du Mystère
Roger Williams lives with his wife, an artist and illustrator, about an hour north of San Francisco where he taught (mostly French) at San Francisco State University until his retirement in 1987. A long time before, he studied poetry with Ted Roethke and Louise Bogan and, for some forty years, set poems to music—Wilde, Patchen, Creeley, Merwin and many others. Now he writes these poems,but he does not set them to music. His poetry appears in: UDP 6x6,#25, and a broadside; Experiential-Experimental Literature; Counterexample Poetics; Otoliths,#26 and #31; Ygdrasil; Eskimopi; Mu mu magazine; Ditch
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La Proche du Mystère
I had kestrel dustry
albino luster
aménagée all lit
fully fragrant
It spake sea-chant
circulating none-the-
less potter singing
high in a motive "Scat!
You ought to flat her!"
O the poor ambient
And the pistol
entered fifteen to one
to shout out and rung a
ding-a-dong split
likeliest grunted on
so Dearie could sleep
an' munching Pascal Bell
a squinch was foundered
Bless her trammel
Roger Williams lives with his wife, an artist and illustrator, about an hour north of San Francisco where he taught (mostly French) at San Francisco State University until his retirement in 1987. A long time before, he studied poetry with Ted Roethke and Louise Bogan and, for some forty years, set poems to music—Wilde, Patchen, Creeley, Merwin and many others. Now he writes these poems,but he does not set them to music. His poetry appears in: UDP 6x6,#25, and a broadside; Experiential-Experimental Literature; Counterexample Poetics; Otoliths,#26 and #31; Ygdrasil; Eskimopi; Mu mu magazine; Ditch
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