John M. Bennett
cloud glass cloud glass cloud
glass cloud glass cloud glass
cloud glass cloud glass cloud
glass cloud glass cloud glass
cloud glass STINK ssalg duolc
ssalg duolc ssalg duolc ssalg
duolc ssalg duolc ssalg duolc
ssalg duolc ssalg duolc ssalg
duolc ssalg duolc ssalg duolc
feel yr runny finger
gum a knee yr
polenta's spilled just
flame yr hand just
nodding at the crosshairs
melting in yr eye
eye melt eye melt eye
melt eye melt eye melt
eye melt eye melt eye
melt eye melt eye melt
eye melt HAIRS felt sky
felt sky felt sky felt
sky felt sky felt sky
felt sky felt sky felt
sky felt sky felt sky
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cloud glass cloud glass cloud
glass cloud glass cloud glass
cloud glass cloud glass cloud
glass cloud glass cloud glass
cloud glass STINK ssalg duolc
ssalg duolc ssalg duolc ssalg
duolc ssalg duolc ssalg duolc
ssalg duolc ssalg duolc ssalg
duolc ssalg duolc ssalg duolc
the blooded nail the
tripled finger's doubt's
englancements or yr h
ail the wind y h air
~ ~  ~  th  r   o     a
t e   d   see   ms
be mail lost in
flood the dri b bled
c loud sings wo r
ro m ot t om
orro w as wha
t's wri   then    yr
armnbsp  -nbsp  the rive
red hairnbsp  -nbsp  s
wallow yr eyes sw
allow yr h and wol
laws' scripted as
piration str angles “you”
will fall last week
sez the c lot ,of
air ,ret urned its as
hes' for mal dust ris
es from the floor it
is your s tool it is
yr stoo l the last
one steams nor
poo l of lint uh
fool p ass age g
awking in yr sleep
or rice of thinness ,cr
owned with br
oken egg
voices in yr knees
embued an stormed ,inclactic
,foisted on the driver's seat
yr fueling doom recalls ah
sooner than ,remisted ,tub
of doggie balls yr tooth's
desire ,chew the wheel
yr leg reparts ,the wheel
,a chiltepequín it was
,watching you
red eyes open in the dirt
dig its
never born just s pouted h
alf the do or or hal f the
doo r yr p aw s lammed
in ,was porcine but yr
fur ther than ,uh tom
b bom b's c age of
flingers sm ashed ,an
b unned ,if buns
were hands or mea
ted words if words we
re duced to ttttticckkks
,to tick and coff
t igck an cc off or O
F  F   F    F     F      F       F
p lunged a way
the severed sneeze yr ch
ance connoiter ground a
poem a fr  ame recre
acted nor knob actal
a pat  h deseethed but
see s the tern un
plotted w rit u al sual
derstood in  cheese m
oldy in yr shoes when
shoes out s tumble to
ward the cha  in if
links are deaths or
os  cilation of yr use
less ham the  knife or
hair y storm
ontic noisenigma tempegg uit brge
- In mist rising from Jim Leftwich
ay shirted wind yr do
me it cr acks yr cent
ral eye a fish if
fish were glass or gl
ass be whistles thru
a door will no m
ore be heave y n
clod detriptophaned
was empty space in
13 years :ay spurted
mind ay nostril dr
opping viscuexplanations
of the storm tomorrow
button and tongue
meatheav y ntry col
lapsed yr dang ling
verso floods the s
lack sh oe yr time s
inks in – fog lourd
cold - mes yeux com
bing al revés yr s
ticky mint to be ~ g
runting wind cross the t
racks ~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~ ~  ~
)just dried up(  see what s
eems wh at s nores w
hat ripples in the back
deeper than fog
feel yr runny finger
gum a knee yr
polenta's spilled just
flame yr hand just
nodding at the crosshairs
melting in yr eye
eye melt eye melt eye
melt eye melt eye melt
eye melt eye melt eye
melt eye melt eye melt
eye melt HAIRS felt sky
felt sky felt sky felt
sky felt sky felt sky
felt sky felt sky felt
sky felt sky felt sky
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