John M. Bennett
the tine half
up off
sieze a day
the mute
the bleach
caw back
is a pen
aw              wa
fool bread fool thread fool
bread fool thread fool bread
fool thread fool bread fool
thread fool bread fool thread
fool bread FLOOR head loose
head loose head loose head
loose head loose head loose
head loose head loose head
loose head loose head loose
Much detail about and more work from John M. Bennett can be found here.
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the tine half
up off
sieze a day
the mute
the bleach
caw back
is a pen
aw              wa
fool bread fool thread fool
bread fool thread fool bread
fool thread fool bread fool
thread fool bread fool thread
fool bread FLOOR head loose
head loose head loose head
loose head loose head loose
head loose head loose head
loose head loose head loose
wha th c rap en
trails beside uh st
ream s crawled yr
cheep sheet all dro
ppings on ,in half or
quarts th nitey sw
um inhalt ,yr tube
.re half ,be aimed ,un
c rocked yr flapu
lence compacts ,be
mind .or knobby
,if a comb breaks
all its teeth
indebted ,like the air
ch eese an f lies ,a
gummy wind re
turns returns ,de
bated in yr f
lopping loo t ,wh
at corn ,but corn
were amulets
cut into yr chest
's breeze an fr
ying ,p lung e re
doubt debride yr
head a buck et
brims with spit
.the outer towel
your skin contains
iffing ,portenteous
effort of the linguini
half a born a
p low regards yr
table gutting .steep
,of steep wore mime
,a comb regardless
,of yr craptitude rai
sed a fork .out
side the womb a
nice ,or templed
screaming was it
is not flap .the
spoon a mirror
powder off ,my lord
please in habit jail
your robe ,a ton
sil ver me ciego
por la cueva .in
capaz ni ,flor
re tabled what you
dressed a boil
or bile ,if boil
were cold than
mustard ice ,was
ice or wind .ti
e the s ash ,yo
ur clumping's near
feed ,and tidy bowl
River of Names
       “The illusory river of names will
       tide around this stone heart. Health
       codes, baby.”  -   Jeff Lint
b lack heave n b oils
in the mar ble yr so
dden b read singks
into language grey
mat ter mite b urns be
neath the law n yr r
oof vow el's viscous
e pistle spat tered
mou th ing yr cor
ner's f lame ton
gued we ather sss
sud den ants' ala
rm ululan por las
c alles dichter gr
owling th rough ay
bed ay void el
vacío weaving por
lo invivisible las
diosas tres sin
nú mero silent as gl
ass or c loud s igh
beside the raw hum
an st ump no me
toques el super
ficie no me sueñes
no me ll ames talking
in yr sleep yr h
and a mot h w eaving
in a fish las pal
abras par tidas en
dos part idas en tres
partid as en el in
umeronte del poe
eta sin ojos el numen
del abe jorio que me
quita la dirección
ahogada de la luz oscura
He stumbles inside Ivan Argüelles'
Rice Wall
(A collaboration with Stacey Allam)
The rice was black the
fish wrote red tags over
where the fog held your
face without fibers in the
mouth of masks clattering
on the wall
Much detail about and more work from John M. Bennett can be found here.
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