Jeff Bagato
Jeff Bagato is a writer, musician and street artist living near Washington, DC. Some of his poetry has appeared in Otoliths, Zombie Logic Review, Full of Crow, Exquisite Corpse, Chiron Review, Shattered Wig Review, and Open 24 Hours. His most recent book of poetry, Savage Magic, came out this year. Other poetry books include And the Trillions, Spells of Coming Day, and Latest Headlines. He has also published several novels, including The Toothpick Fairy and Computing Angels. A blog about his writing and publishing efforts can be found at
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Checklist for the Next Whatever All my lifeplans for tomorrow— making digimaps & queuing up net flix, clicking thru shopping carts for stuff I won’t see or remember until next week, making lists of future destinations, latter day chores: who I should call, what food I could eat if only I hit the grocery store to carry out the fuel of a future somebody me all my plans for tmw & for tmw’s tomorrow & the days I may not live to see, waking up late & finally checking it so now I can begin, if I can begin Seasons of Flight Walking out Happy San Market with bricks of cheese building up my safety basket— I will live on this for days— and too, the good feeling of nourishment as Jeaneatta turns back time so I can lunch Odwalla on the cheap How do I catch a beautiful November day when the breeze presses cold hands on my hands & the love from knit hat, corduroys & jean jacket feels so much like a feather fluffed against the world, as the blue sky opens up, opens up for the wing so calmly quickly lifted on the wind? Springtime Effigies Che on a t-shirt stares out with a confident, challenging air, a man who knew where he was going & where he had been, cigar held firm between strong teeth to point the way & punctuate guidance, philosophically alight thus Che moves down a brickwork sidewalk in a city he never knew except as a metaphor, an emerald Babylon of wholly gee, where the trees are green & magnolias bloom & the girls wear smooth fabric tight on generous curves, their pants alive & mesmerizing Abe Lincoln rides by on a bus, gripping armrests on his throne & holding back all the wounds, to silently speechify: “I been lookin’ for you all over, where you been? What size pants do you wear? Are you pregnant? Are you sure? I told you to stop eatin’ that soup, I told you!” Che never shakes the ashes from his cigar; Abe can’t relax; this city never weeps
Jeff Bagato is a writer, musician and street artist living near Washington, DC. Some of his poetry has appeared in Otoliths, Zombie Logic Review, Full of Crow, Exquisite Corpse, Chiron Review, Shattered Wig Review, and Open 24 Hours. His most recent book of poetry, Savage Magic, came out this year. Other poetry books include And the Trillions, Spells of Coming Day, and Latest Headlines. He has also published several novels, including The Toothpick Fairy and Computing Angels. A blog about his writing and publishing efforts can be found at
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