Felino A. Soriano
from Sedentary Fathoms
Felino A. Soriano’s poetry appears in CHURN, BlazeVOX, 3:AM Magazine, The National Poetry Review, Small Po[r]tions, and elsewhere. His books of poetry include Vocal Apparitions: New & Selected Poems: 2012 – 2016 (2016), sparse anatomies of single antecedents (2015), Of isolated limning (2014), Pathos|particular invocation (2013), Of language|s| the rain speaks (2012), Intentions of Aligned Demarcations (2011), In Praise of Absolute Interpretation (2010), Construed Implications (2009), and Among the Interrogated (2008). His collaborative collection Quintet Dialogues: translating introspection, which features visual art from David Allen Reed is forthcoming from Howling Dog Press.
He publishes the online journal Of/with, and is a contributing editor at Sugar Mule.
Visit Of the poetry this jazz portends for more information.
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from Sedentary Fathoms
Sedentary Fathoms |section four| Abbreviated spectrums of wind and its holding hollow acclimations. Colors continue contain what the eye donates in sound and evolved ornamentations. What is brief now is a diverted emblem of sophisticated silhouettes teeming toward evaluated seizing of serial contours, selected by breaking first what was whole in name and corporeal fascinations 1/4/17 Sedentary Fathoms |section five| How this holds thematic water as does the moth unfolding angles into light and broken mathematics— hands, alone are what miracles breed within an unexpected vantage— certain serial rhythms reveal unopened diagrams of sound and language abstractions, bridging home with exterior etchings reviving what inherits uncertain altruistic euphony 1/5/17 Sedentary Fathoms |section six| Dual melodies. Mirrored decisions. Unknown these surfaces, aesthetic accolades fading into freed versions of decisive alt -erations. Mobile these divided emblems: two bodies broken from a diameter’s predetermined definitions... separated focuses finding clear content, woven interior from voices fading and determined semblances of oscillating momentums 1/6/17 Sedentary Fathoms |section seven| Styles define what leads our motives. Encapsulated virtues extend some -where within wandering ideologies. Persona-shifts, faded mirror attributes, curtain-reveal whereabouts above the body’s rewound figments encouraging association with multilingual experiential data 1/7/17 Sedentary Fathoms |section eight| Cycling math recycled meander this tone-on tune-in inward hollow theme searches as do I toward a healing version of Music’s contextual identity. More so my own nuances cycle into rhythms and uncertain or broken cadences. Trust, here, is what needs both blessing and my most intuitive expressive devotion. Behind the sound is an inventive tone or unbiased record of a historical dialect; I’ve dialogued enough with _____ unwilling to infuriate an exterior motivated disdain for societal devotion toward a behavior of isolating succinct vitriolic phrases 1/7/17 Sedentary Fathoms |section nine| Composure hears our predetermined freedoms, our forays inward first then exterior to sound and introverted foundation. Either home is rhythm or its walls speak in tonal routines awakening as when the body becomes other than the expected, architectural platitude 1/8/17
Felino A. Soriano’s poetry appears in CHURN, BlazeVOX, 3:AM Magazine, The National Poetry Review, Small Po[r]tions, and elsewhere. His books of poetry include Vocal Apparitions: New & Selected Poems: 2012 – 2016 (2016), sparse anatomies of single antecedents (2015), Of isolated limning (2014), Pathos|particular invocation (2013), Of language|s| the rain speaks (2012), Intentions of Aligned Demarcations (2011), In Praise of Absolute Interpretation (2010), Construed Implications (2009), and Among the Interrogated (2008). His collaborative collection Quintet Dialogues: translating introspection, which features visual art from David Allen Reed is forthcoming from Howling Dog Press.
He publishes the online journal Of/with, and is a contributing editor at Sugar Mule.
Visit Of the poetry this jazz portends for more information.
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