Mark Young
A line from Donald Trump
The First Emperor of Qin
sported a striking headpiece of
human flesh as a show of his
glory. Teamed it with a figure-
hugging dress that some re-
porters thought was made from
bacon or, perhaps, prosciutto.
Scaly warts covered the few
exposed portions of his body.
I have sex dreams about random
people, he said. I will build a
great wall to keep them out.
(This poem was previously published in In-flight Literary Magazine #8)
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A line from Donald Trump
The First Emperor of Qin
sported a striking headpiece of
human flesh as a show of his
glory. Teamed it with a figure-
hugging dress that some re-
porters thought was made from
bacon or, perhaps, prosciutto.
Scaly warts covered the few
exposed portions of his body.
I have sex dreams about random
people, he said. I will build a
great wall to keep them out.
(This poem was previously published in In-flight Literary Magazine #8)
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