Michael Farrell

////\\\\\|/\/|?\?/// to be 1 or 3





/to be here; to not negate; to his coy
/to his coy slash fund; change what
/you think should happen; lamb-like




??/????//////the colour is a still leaf



the shirt that his father was wearing

?//////|/|/|became an erotic fix-

////\\\\\|/\/|?\?///ation; to use

the fund to join guns ‘n roses on road

Michael Farrell is from Bombala, NSW, lives Melbourne. His recent publications include Cocky's Joy and Writing Australian Unsettlement; Modes of Poetic Invention 1796-1945. His previous collections include living at the z, ode ode (shortlisted for the Age Poetry Book of the Year Award), BREAK ME OUCH, a raiders guide, and open sesame. He edits Flash Cove: contact flashcovemag_at_gmail_dot_com.
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