Indigo Perry
Indigo Perry is a writer living in the Yarra Valley, outside Melbourne. Her book Midnight Water: A Memoir, was shortlisted for the National Biography Award. These poems are written during improvisational sessions as part of a collaborative performance art project called Illuminous, with trumpet player Andrew Darling. Indigo's writing is digitally projected onto a wall or screen as she writes.
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1 Corrugated Roads Corrugations on old bridges crossed in dreams. A small child, a girl. . Only shops. No houses. No homes. She gathers courage to ask busy women packing shelves if they've seen her mother and they say no, she left. And the street grows quiet, for it's a street in the country and as the afternoon falls birds and the wind call along the footpath and human voices scatter and blow away. She walks to the middle of the bridge and rests her fingertips on a sheep's fleece left behind there, hung over the wooden railing. It's moist and warm to touch but she's already getting cold and over the bridge the street becomes a road of dirt and yellow rocks. Trees bend over it and she sees how their shadows crawl over the road Soon it will be dark. She knows the heads of trees turn to ghosts at night. The child’s view shifts. She's further away now. We leave her behind on the bridge and the women in the shops have gone home. She grows smaller, but still she is there, alone. A child in a memory, never retrieved. Waking, cold, I must have sleepwalked to get here. It's night and has the quiet and stillness of four am. Dark, but the moon is full and shows the deep green of the edges of a road lined with sleeping houses. Shows, too, the pale blue-white of my skin. Cold. Almost naked, breasts exposed, a soft-waisted skirt oddly pulled on, and I try to pull it up to cover myself but it's not long enough and whatever way I arrange it, it's exposing my body. Now I'm shivering. I don't recognise this place. From my bed, my somnolent self has wandered here and I don't know the way home. I have the night, the sky, the moon, to myself in that glorious secrecy of night-wandering. But, then there's a car. It arrives noiselessly, almost an animal slunk from out of the bushes, and I freeze, I too am an animal, trying to merge with the moonlight, making myself mirage. For a beat, it seems it's worked and I've become the night. The car swerves, headlights on now, and its turning is hard violent. It's a predator. I'm pulling at the fabric but it's no cover. And I run. But limbs move as though under viscous, deep water. As though I am the night. And have no limbs but only planes of milky light and a musky scent of night-blooming jasmine and the sorrow of loss and regrets not yet lain to rest. Another awakening. This time in my bed. Heart too fast. Body still flailing in slow motions of subdued, flight. Sorrow and regrets still binding. The room is dark and the walls intact and door closed. Covers warm. Heart unquiet. I miss the wet-painted appearance of the verges of the unfamiliar. The interest of the moon. The self that felt to walk the night with breasts bare. Still, I can't return to sleep with my body sharply attuned to the presence of the animal. A circling inwards to solace. Warm holding spiralled. 2 To Float Before Sinking Timelessly timorous Picking a way from pale, moon-washed stone to the thinly voiced rhythm marked on the currents. The cure. Membranes taught strung-taut memories run like water. Upon reflection. What could have been different. The dreamed. Immersion. Running the cascade through streets bloodlines. Gutters and stuttered utterance of all you meant to do. Achieved. Acquiesced. Bled- dry and replenished with the flamboyance of tree ferns in resurrection. The reservoir of the heart. Depths created to sink into like beds you made without meaning to yet here you lie And with slowly fading incandescence perhaps floating spread out the patterns of petals flung out Softness in akimbo until the deeper seas Furled-up documentation of the earth begin the seepage Faint capillaries of transparence in the skin of your flower growing to patches with the perfection of asymmetry the shapes of bruises in reverse. Missing pieces of you stolen by the damming of the earth Your petalled skin falls to pieces It's a boat that not only sinks but transforms to threads and then translucence. To a momentary sense of absence at the surface. Deja vu shaken off as the wind shifts and you turn away. This resilience of breathing through fire and walking lost amidst echoes. To be still inside this can be impossible. To be quiet and sense smallness may amplify all that's louder and larger. Inevitably human. Deceptively transitive living beyond Walking fast with a strong stride the tide laps at your heels Hear the tapping of feet the knocking on the surface. Forming curves Arches attuned to this fitting together with the forever. Body curled foetal to the heat of the circle. The white water of bones instrumental to this score. All voices under translation Archives of the elemental The rain on the roof the music fossilised A season a chamber in which your heart is the percussive mnemonic of the air you breathed into being. Resting, touching what is closest and recognising familial vibration The resonance of hope. The arms of my sky open to the new hour the invention of cells in houses for living in houses made from the shell of poesis. In sleep within the hypnosis of night I lie beside you, face to face, wake still aware of the warmth of you You were there. I traced the line of your breastbone with the tips of my fingernails just before I opened my eyes the cartilage portal breaking softly between the worlds And still, the heat lingers. In the subdued light of morning, following the blazing away, the setting on fire of the evidence of the night, we rise start again 3 Guildford Lane Draining silences sinking deep between minutes and rivers that wring the psyche. I've devoured the chatter until all light matter shows itself in silhouette And feeling the warm night call of her you embrace shadow blood running murmur lantern rises storey by storey telling all your layers To forget to feel the shame Alluring to hide from it all and play the innocent. But a sweet flow beckons the earth up through the cracks sounds the bright melody even from underground. What's stuck fast shifted by the age of river Stones pressed to implode mnemonics. It's a sky that says it dies to weep. Not the complex rain of mortality but the rain of childhood. Deceptive. Distorted specula of mirrors turned about to talk over the tarnish Wandering, then, through your dawn broken, through insomnia. Tiredness held under the wraps of the day Night, though, some time after one hours loom as spectres of themselves through the past. It lingers. Wearing the same old clothes Not the immersive reflection of sleeping. What comes in the wakeful hours is a running after away towards The attempt to fix the unfixed. In the wakeful dream it does not occur to you that some things are not to be fixed. Requiem to acquiescence. Dark stream spoken for to be a city pathway but who can regret paths taken and structures built from dream body skeletal architecture. You dance the foundations and make a language. Once enunciated, it's a breath taken Alive transmuted still itself lines gestures describing dance eternal. Moments of spontaneous flippant choices remaining the spirit figure of memory in flight. Storm cells flickering themselves alight in ideas in this identity pinning is this a forever idea or already incensed with itself and leaving the room. Remembering that very first winter. We could see our breath. We saw the wings of fog over the creek And the way fine breakages showed up even as we kept a polite distance. Languages laced in the snuck-up cry of the creek and how in the dense layering moss lichen the rocks the aloneness we sound a rhythm of connectedness. The creek that feeds the river that satiates the thirst of the city becomes the body of all the bodies of water we've known. The swimming pools, acid-blue. Baths taken. All manner of cleansings, baptisms, love affairs in seas under moonlight And of course the drownings. Ships passed and boats spinning fast without direction leaking boats too I see you bailing and smell the depth of the exhaustion and the power in the vessel.
Indigo Perry is a writer living in the Yarra Valley, outside Melbourne. Her book Midnight Water: A Memoir, was shortlisted for the National Biography Award. These poems are written during improvisational sessions as part of a collaborative performance art project called Illuminous, with trumpet player Andrew Darling. Indigo's writing is digitally projected onto a wall or screen as she writes.
I love these dreaming narratives, seemingly timeless, without place, but existing just on the other side of memory and consciousness x
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