John M. Bennett
il y a des fleuves que j'ai tourné
et retourné cinq ou six nuits dans
ma tête )M. Boinvilliers(  streaked
out my pants a leg égale  ,a bank's
shiny weeds el desayuno que ya
echará espuma is yr dental
superstructure ,lunch and fog
)fog ahead behind(  a he ad be
hind er gone the window cr
acking shut SPELT A RINGING
PHONE is was the crown yr shoe a
wave ≈ toward uh ba ckw ash≈  “my
arms held you” mud sweeps across
your sidewalk )more than six the
nights not yet ends(  a can of beans
glinting on the windowsill  ll  ll  ll  ll  ll
La rivière que j'ai sous la langue,
L'eau qu'on n'imagine pas...
- Paul Éluard
chew clock waste
in back flow
oh wall out
temp us fid
git cluster
cave behind
read and leap
a plan door
coughing shut
plus valía
menos mal
mis tunas
mis manos
hot pliers
wet wallet
stun swallowed
meat the mist
j'ai mangé
cochon pol
itique ar
bre qui brûle
con caca
weeds and lunch
ringing phone
one or none
doggèd mute
reap the fog
silence said
it it it
ch ch ch
it ch it
hack it off
page of corn que me he comido
,lustros ha  ;    oh consolante horreur   !
)Chaussepierre(  my face mask's sw
irling hair's the stream your voice was th
TEETH and gravel   ;    la bouche ouverte,
,    ,    ,    ,  )Chaussepierre(  “I twisted
back my eyes” your naked saw ,chain of
mice crosses room gets lost in the hall
)page of storm(    !    ,    ;          dans  la
coupe  )Chaussepierre( alguna cosita no vista
ví ,la ventan  a  bierta un fue fuego fué o
aalaa  page of form tongue climbs the wall
que conozco que no he conocido thum
b  rain pounds my greasy specs my
hand's cut off ,g  rasping   a   a   i   i   r   r
,   ,     les entrailles    ,     ?rien
- Charles-Georges Coqueley de Chaussepierre
vent de merde
shorn meats a strangled door
Grave des mots avec un clou
)Th. Gautier(  ce n'est rien mais
quelque chose condensed rechewed
ébranlé sourdement  ha dicho ,clos
et crammed with socks your
negck reblooded ,steaks on phone
dripping said yr NOM RAUQUE
spat screen un libro vacío o
blanco de escuchpitazos anhelados
where a dog wind swirls teething
the knob's “sit on a distant lake”
your statue burns on the shore
your statue splits its head your
statue drowns in its shoe ≈ ≈ ≈
hairless and birdshat FEUILLE
OUBLIÉE  ¿de quién es la
cara que escribo?  ¿de quién son las
ascuas que tomo con mi café espresso?
leaf or shirt wword or tturd
shlort flogic
if spider
langkuage by
alien hhunt
voice ungrown
ttent or hhead
or breeathing
words latdder
roots exsist
sentience coat
es shaking
absince' dis
tant reason
pro cess trees'
slecond tlongue
After Jim Leftwich's
Hicucu from Code of Signals
knack of shim
mer où les
yeux s'en brûle
cheap stunt light
fame or flame
lock lock lock
sur mes pieds
sang no hay
flavor flab
flovar balf
alba of
drink this ttooll
is wok want
for nuttin'
it es il
list ie ie
nada es ¿no?
cosa tún
chain swallow
tepetl ,roof
stone release
your last tooth
I died I
stormed I
ate a wall
gr unt nur
shutter cloud
open fog
clou de chair
lously hangs
final drip
sauce of guns
end meat
vision of the hammered phone
beside your sleep tidy
cereal skull giggles like a
broom if broom unlike your
swallowed sore were wind is
wind is shallow thunder
of yr creeping conscious scious
scious wall MY FINGER
SAID your verso's silence
.   .   .   .   .  )plumber's dream
of dog bowels(  it's the b
arking hand  .wheel wheel
wheel wheel wheel wheel
wheel crashing loose on the
the far side of the road
drip and glory ,your finger burnt
previous page     contents     next page
il y a des fleuves que j'ai tourné
et retourné cinq ou six nuits dans
ma tête )M. Boinvilliers(  streaked
out my pants a leg égale  ,a bank's
shiny weeds el desayuno que ya
echará espuma is yr dental
superstructure ,lunch and fog
)fog ahead behind(  a he ad be
hind er gone the window cr
acking shut SPELT A RINGING
PHONE is was the crown yr shoe a
wave ≈ toward uh ba ckw ash≈  “my
arms held you” mud sweeps across
your sidewalk )more than six the
nights not yet ends(  a can of beans
glinting on the windowsill  ll  ll  ll  ll  ll
La rivière que j'ai sous la langue,
L'eau qu'on n'imagine pas...
- Paul Éluard
chew clock waste
in back flow
oh wall out
temp us fid
git cluster
cave behind
read and leap
a plan door
coughing shut
plus valía
menos mal
mis tunas
mis manos
hot pliers
wet wallet
stun swallowed
meat the mist
j'ai mangé
cochon pol
itique ar
bre qui brûle
con caca
weeds and lunch
ringing phone
one or none
doggèd mute
reap the fog
silence said
it it it
ch ch ch
it ch it
hack it off
page of corn que me he comido
,lustros ha  ;    oh consolante horreur   !
)Chaussepierre(  my face mask's sw
irling hair's the stream your voice was th
TEETH and gravel   ;    la bouche ouverte,
,    ,    ,    ,  )Chaussepierre(  “I twisted
back my eyes” your naked saw ,chain of
mice crosses room gets lost in the hall
)page of storm(    !    ,    ;          dans  la
coupe  )Chaussepierre( alguna cosita no vista
ví ,la ventan  a  bierta un fue fuego fué o
aalaa  page of form tongue climbs the wall
que conozco que no he conocido thum
b  rain pounds my greasy specs my
hand's cut off ,g  rasping   a   a   i   i   r   r
,   ,     les entrailles    ,     ?rien
- Charles-Georges Coqueley de Chaussepierre
vent de merde
shorn meats a strangled door
Grave des mots avec un clou
)Th. Gautier(  ce n'est rien mais
quelque chose condensed rechewed
ébranlé sourdement  ha dicho ,clos
et crammed with socks your
negck reblooded ,steaks on phone
dripping said yr NOM RAUQUE
spat screen un libro vacío o
blanco de escuchpitazos anhelados
where a dog wind swirls teething
the knob's “sit on a distant lake”
your statue burns on the shore
your statue splits its head your
statue drowns in its shoe ≈ ≈ ≈
hairless and birdshat FEUILLE
OUBLIÉE  ¿de quién es la
cara que escribo?  ¿de quién son las
ascuas que tomo con mi café espresso?
leaf or shirt wword or tturd
shlort flogic
if spider
langkuage by
alien hhunt
voice ungrown
ttent or hhead
or breeathing
words latdder
roots exsist
sentience coat
es shaking
absince' dis
tant reason
pro cess trees'
slecond tlongue
After Jim Leftwich's
Hicucu from Code of Signals
knack of shim
mer où les
yeux s'en brûle
cheap stunt light
fame or flame
lock lock lock
sur mes pieds
sang no hay
flavor flab
flovar balf
alba of
drink this ttooll
is wok want
for nuttin'
it es il
list ie ie
nada es ¿no?
cosa tún
chain swallow
tepetl ,roof
stone release
your last tooth
I died I
stormed I
ate a wall
gr unt nur
shutter cloud
open fog
clou de chair
lously hangs
final drip
sauce of guns
end meat
vision of the hammered phone
beside your sleep tidy
cereal skull giggles like a
broom if broom unlike your
swallowed sore were wind is
wind is shallow thunder
of yr creeping conscious scious
scious wall MY FINGER
SAID your verso's silence
.   .   .   .   .  )plumber's dream
of dog bowels(  it's the b
arking hand  .wheel wheel
wheel wheel wheel wheel
wheel crashing loose on the
the far side of the road
drip and glory ,your finger burnt
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