Pearl Button
Pearl Button is a writer, photographer and artist based in West-coast Canada. She has a long history with Western Magical Practices including alchemy, tarot and dream work. Her strong preference for secularism has influenced her understanding of these esoteric studies. She makes much of her art, whether image or word, based on the cognitive dissonance this creates.
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lune /-/ aria Identity is a singular identity is a noun because of this it is something [some thing] the child does not understand. | for example | sometimes s/he feels like an ocean of words __not gazing out to sea__ but that s/he is we morphemic liquid drops phonemic swirls a syntactic sea in this ] moment [ or series of [them] of s/he and me and we and i or even us and us and us and {definition: the state or fact of remaining the same one or ones, as under varying aspects or conditions } we have nothing, neither, nor how many times has the child gone here before wheels of this identity-cart running seed-heads flat into mud [ us _ a construct, of i? and I? and we?, and life is peeling in at least one ] green long knife shredded cuc umber curls of carrot mock the sun a buffalo calf with barbed wire in its stomach a red deer fawn in bent grass oh to lie down in the green sun the moon cool under our neck and silently sleep our skins ebbing lune /-/ aria seed pods under winter rain If identity is multiplicitous, then how {definition: the condition of being oneself or itself, and not another } can i or I be a one | self when some days water reaches; words rise; waves crest; meaning shines; clear drops which don't break down__ silvered, black-night-backed .. all of them __ me these liquid days : i and me roll endlessly all is shifting a-lingual adoration a sounding, slap, a saline rush {definition: condition or character as to who a person or what a thing is } and who is me [and ] where can s/he | it |we go pulling our skins behind us not the seabed nor the shore that lithic body, sea-skinned and the child green tattoos its oblivious texts__ when the fawn floats by on a calf skin current been driven by dark earth a far mountain, and the rain coursing through flattened forests only such perceptual limitations__the sea refusing to see the slow shift of crust the tilt of the deep earth hand in which it laps__ only such is the thing i might call me {definition: the state or fact of being the same one as described } because of that words might rise but no ground will present its industry - rhetorical and somatic, fjords act only as impediment to the loquacious sea mountains and the worn salt of life long gone to sleep old rock riven down to water through lithic parameters these are cordoned off from awareness' self obsession such a simple thing__ to be a me living__ a curved line oblivious to the presence of its articulated sphere {definition: the sense of self, providing sameness and continuity in personality... } life is {not} peeling away, but [identity {is questionable} ] (CUCUMIS MELO) (CUCUMIS SATIVAS) (DAUCUS CAROTA) {definition: personality over time and sometimes disturbed in mental illnesses, as schizophrenia } There are days i am a bamboo child an opalescent it, lashed with vegetative sinew ___ a raft on the sea of me hollow canes occasionally sprouting green leaf lances earth-pungent : this is the uncurling —another moment —another self {definition: define... } define we: AUSTRALOPITHECUS AFARENSIS reaching land the fawn rose__blade & sheath lay down HOMO ERECTUS on the earth to sleep HOMO NEANDERTHALENSIS it was the future then__leaping to the trees HOMO FLORESIENSIS shaking bracts, fluttering silver down to the soil : 17,000 years ago Toba erupted and you, H.F. all died now we search for your lost teeth so we can know how much of you is seeded in our cells {definition: ...define a... } we are : the fawn_our round wheels press down a curved track_ : grass beaten down & our hips which press with ardor against the soil : the skinned calf tipping and tilting on the swirl of time and buoyant words : the few moments of lucid dream those long marine watchful hours : coming untied bamboo dust dissolving in salt water {definition: ...a hominid... } what are words but hollow reeds some pale raft of meaning just a little nick against the i-threads joining letters and the words fall a- -part__meaning dissolves and yet those curved/carved moons of the corporeal _ the material parantheticals _ between which this thought road runs they bear it the child you & we i & me {definition: ...hominid is... } the skinned calf lumbers to land__spits the barb__begins to redress its skin remembering elbow__knee & soft-pouching welcome and where our wheels run sweetgrass necks lean cool against the sky
[TO ACKNOWLEDGE: the image of the calf with the barb comes from the poet Henry Real Bird; the calf is also present in Erin Mouré's The Unmemntioable; definitions come from]
Pearl Button is a writer, photographer and artist based in West-coast Canada. She has a long history with Western Magical Practices including alchemy, tarot and dream work. Her strong preference for secularism has influenced her understanding of these esoteric studies. She makes much of her art, whether image or word, based on the cognitive dissonance this creates.
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