Jeff Bagato
The Queen’s Needle
A multi-media artist living near Washington, DC, Jeff Bagato produces poetry and prose as well as electronic music, glitch video, street art, and pop surrealism paintings. Some of his text and vispo has appeared in Empty Mirror, Futures Trading, Otoliths, H&, Ex-Ex Lit, Angry Old Man, and The New Post Literate. Some of his short fiction has recently appeared in Gobbet and The Colored Lens. His published books include Savage Magic (poetry), And the Trillions (poetry), The Toothpick Fairy (fiction), and Computing Angels (fiction). A blog about his writing and publishing efforts can be found at
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The Queen’s Needle
Could light’s backbone stretch so far, etching this pylon with shadowed relief, a history of one queen’s soldiers and the many trunk roads they pressed into earth Another silent shake of bones—runes one could touch, pushing new meanings across the table as their shapes transform A chisel speaks the words in rock; the forms live on despite the cold and dark that silenced scribes
A multi-media artist living near Washington, DC, Jeff Bagato produces poetry and prose as well as electronic music, glitch video, street art, and pop surrealism paintings. Some of his text and vispo has appeared in Empty Mirror, Futures Trading, Otoliths, H&, Ex-Ex Lit, Angry Old Man, and The New Post Literate. Some of his short fiction has recently appeared in Gobbet and The Colored Lens. His published books include Savage Magic (poetry), And the Trillions (poetry), The Toothpick Fairy (fiction), and Computing Angels (fiction). A blog about his writing and publishing efforts can be found at
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