Jeff Harrison
Jeff Harrison has poems in all the issues of Otoliths except the second issue. He has publications from Writers Forum, Persistencia Press, and Furniture Press. He has e-books from BlazeVOX and Argotist Ebooks. His poetry has appeared in An Introduction to the Prose Poem (Firewheel Editions), The Hay(na)ku Anthology Vol. II (Meritage Press), The Chained Hay(na)ku Project (Meritage Press), Sentence: a Journal of Prose Poetics, Moria, Calibanonline, unarmed, Big Bridge, Word For /Word, and elsewhere.
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Upon me
My hounds are upon me, and have you no hand for me? Send them away, set me aright, could a hart harm you?
The vine
The vine's hart is for you, my lovely hounds. Am I low enough for you? I wouldn't have you leap to get me: leaps are what a hart makes. I would leap now, were it not for the vine. I wouldn't have you leap for me, were your leaping to make me Actaeon again.
My hounds are in trees. Remember when I was on a vine? The homes a fount provides for us; weren't we content with the old? I hope that you're as discontented with this hart as I. Are you content with your boughs, hounds, or will you clamber down?
Their Actaeon
Won't they leave their ship, my rats? They're loath to leave their Actaeon. What ship cares about her rats? I didn't set even one on my lap and say, I care for you, rat; mind that you leave me when I founder.
Jeff Harrison has poems in all the issues of Otoliths except the second issue. He has publications from Writers Forum, Persistencia Press, and Furniture Press. He has e-books from BlazeVOX and Argotist Ebooks. His poetry has appeared in An Introduction to the Prose Poem (Firewheel Editions), The Hay(na)ku Anthology Vol. II (Meritage Press), The Chained Hay(na)ku Project (Meritage Press), Sentence: a Journal of Prose Poetics, Moria, Calibanonline, unarmed, Big Bridge, Word For /Word, and elsewhere.
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