some people read thousands of books in their lives, and others never learn to read.
some people do heavy labor almost every day of their lives, many others work thousands of hours in offices and stores and factories, others never work a day in their lives.
most people can see, but some are born blind.
some people consume tens of thousands of gallons of alcohol in their lives, and others never touch a drop.
some people, such as prostitutes, have thousands of sexual experiences with thousands of different people in their lives, others have none at all.
some people, such as soldiers or members of militias or security police, kill thousands of their fellow humans with their own hands, most people will never kill even one.
some people spend decades, day after day, killing cows and pigs and chickens, others never see a drop of blood from any living creature deliberately spilled in their lives.
millions of people write poems that no one will ever read, a tiny handful write poems that are famous and memorized by schoolchildren.
some people are taught to pray as children, and continue to do so every day throughout their lives, others never say a prayer.
many other examples could be cited - drinking coffee, eating doughnuts, eating cheeseburgers, doing crossword puzzles, collecting stamps or baseball cards, playing games such as chess or go or monopoly - millions do these things every day or dedicate their lives to them but many millions more never engage in these activities at all.
hundreds of millions dream of becoming world famous entertainers or athletes, a minuscule handful do so.
many people go through life loyal to the tribe or nation they were born into.
a not inconsiderable minority embrace some different loyalty.
another, perhaps larger, minority never really give a shit about anything.
once every few hundred years, a person will start a religion that is embraced by millions.
am i missing something?
i wish all people well in their passage through this strange world.
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