Chris Brown
TEXT TOWN traversals
the leafy borough’s
                              leafage at the grate
                              static on the waves
               hard sell                  neuro
                                             via the capital
                                                            head up –
for the lack
               a way in
               we’ll take
                      if a touring welsh chorus
                      humours the praetorians
                              among us –
                              take it
                                             this morning
                              the breadline
                              out the door
               at Uprising
quiet                   but answers at
our feet            where sparrows dare
                                             or walking
and some lyceen or local saint posts
a rainbow heart       at the
                                             red letterbox
we await its erasure…dissent and no
                              one to de
               face it?
                              yea or nay
                  but auguring a
b (collect
                                             this café
                              replaying yesterday
                                             out of the shadows
                                             take a chance
                                             whisk their
                                             crumbs and alms
                                                                                          to roost
A spry bearded greenthumb
has violets and nasturtiums
the floral emblem of nostalgia
prim gardens planted screens
of a propertied subjective ex
cess a raking breeze a blade
of grass in it issues with line
our sympathies and the like
this ground wishes to give but
the future emerges too closely
sown and the roots wont part
a hushed design the crib en
folds us as the wheels follow
you feel for the latitude of the
coordinates welcome an open
page and concrete forms that
duly redirect the eye a mirror
in the field has new shoots the
gift of double roses in even its
resting face just hang in there
and an imperturbable human
oid equanimity flutters to life
draining the glare and plasma
or mirrored glaze the bustling
horizon rides and reveals your
children in its wake for what it
gives could i be more for giving
Chris Brown lives in Newcastle. He is working on a collection of poems called hotel universo.
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TEXT TOWN traversals
the leafy borough’s
                              leafage at the grate
                              static on the waves
               hard sell                  neuro
                                             via the capital
                                                            head up –
for the lack
               a way in
               we’ll take
                      if a touring welsh chorus
                      humours the praetorians
                              among us –
                              take it
                                             this morning
                              the breadline
                              out the door
               at Uprising
quiet                   but answers at
our feet            where sparrows dare
                                             or walking
and some lyceen or local saint posts
a rainbow heart       at the
                                             red letterbox
we await its erasure…dissent and no
                              one to de
               face it?
                              yea or nay
                  but auguring a
b (collect
                                             this café
                              replaying yesterday
                                             out of the shadows
                                             take a chance
                                             whisk their
                                             crumbs and alms
                                                                                          to roost
A spry bearded greenthumb
has violets and nasturtiums
the floral emblem of nostalgia
prim gardens planted screens
of a propertied subjective ex
cess a raking breeze a blade
of grass in it issues with line
our sympathies and the like
this ground wishes to give but
the future emerges too closely
sown and the roots wont part
a hushed design the crib en
folds us as the wheels follow
you feel for the latitude of the
coordinates welcome an open
page and concrete forms that
duly redirect the eye a mirror
in the field has new shoots the
gift of double roses in even its
resting face just hang in there
and an imperturbable human
oid equanimity flutters to life
draining the glare and plasma
or mirrored glaze the bustling
horizon rides and reveals your
children in its wake for what it
gives could i be more for giving
Chris Brown lives in Newcastle. He is working on a collection of poems called hotel universo.
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