Michael Mc Aloran

from nowhereon: Section III

[...claim as was once from unto...try trace colour...breakage devour of brace what of answer null & void no not a trace a...into where what of through nothing intro-depth scattered milk teeth of abort cold shadow... nowhere left to be in other than of collision breakage of naught cold trace corrupt charge eats itself whole nothing champion...defeat of which known none of it through other than comparison...dry hack in some abandoned room locks door from within kaleidoscope of smoke & vapour drown upon where of in that nothing echo...it what...no nowhere bound of flex...corrupt where nothing of in trace of sightless boundary merely thicken of dense molasses scar upon vitriol where stitched breath claims all sudden closure of restive sense no nothing further into...no dice...]

...blind weight whereof strip of scarlet haven falls back upon where stone wishes collapse eye dread what fever sensed in fallen dystrophy echoing blind weight flesh nothing of in spasm in lock unto dreamt of fallen to side upon side where break of taste of attrition seasons of denounce where crimson colour mock steel drawn in communicable nothing no of that nor in having fallen where of what sky as if to having nothing of in redeem traceless reckless of no nothing fades unto reckless traceless broke column of sounds etching into nothing ever of some unknown where what what of forgotte silence ever-resurgent cold bite of listless divide where of in shadows nowhere on to be in trace belong to nothing ever in an exile of gradient demise ever-noose closure of blood striate bleed it out as if some coil of ever-resplendent no neither of sudden in disrecollect where of what of no matter broken valves of feel as if to feel what colour dreamt of pageant frenzy till laughter long what traceless design bleed it out no not a no nowhere having ever claim suck dry in an of demise where merely winters grow some other than what matter stripped down what of what else what matter of never having once merely slowly rot in nor of in of colour of some dawn commence collision naught merely of what no nothing never having in of this traceless a gait a body erased until...

...nowhere is to be of this in this of nothing ever merely naught counts it out shadow upon where from what matter all traces have erased denounce cast off useless detritus collision with no not on a spillage of null where night is ever-lack lack motion of forgiven trace without form broken emblems sieve of purpose what collect as of a faggot of bound limbs skinned of purpose where of not on no nothing of through breach it said all done non-speech non-claim echo echo broke absurd clamour of din light burn into where whisper claims where depth devours yet depth what depth colour to claim some seek of purpose a crack of sky alone cataract of nothing next to have nothing of in reveal of sudden as if to expire it is not going anywhere other than it ever of in of where of in ever if what if or ever none what in of ever before a butcher blade cold chase of slaughter night of long knives as if to say that broken as in which no not of ever of unto having commence yet nowhere ever on what spoken said without lack stillness dread of come day neither night of savior promise of reflect upon having been nowhere in nothing on no never collapse into where of taken from having been in paralysis where on is none or no traceless as have if as of no not a where walls disintegrate transparency of all in recollect of faint trace spill it out of it out nothing ever of...

...on it laughter unto nowhere be unto nowhere have of been unto where of in now then what for after-long forgotte cold shadow neither left nor right merely fall asunder stray ask asks of it collapse into thy dread a dream a fragment as if to momentary of relapse sudden as if to expire drag of none & asp denounce till take of nothing for sustenance breath lapse weight vapour tone stray astray choke upon word/s unform where prayer for broke speech clamour of rat throughout a given onslaught of terse wind what a scent of blood stricken head of vast of miniscule breathless denounce collision depth hard cold shoulder of nowhere on a-lapse till vacuous expel through erasure of knock from frozen piss of no whereof to serve in hyenic pelt a nestle of bone to sickness have of some have-not slowly to break throughout tread back-step in yet nothing ever of as if to once dry eyes there or other of nothing on in none of fragment insert nowhere on throughout where only if in progress is to demise through blood sick light echo drain where once was of stricken from disease of what what disease till lapse unto murmurs from dead silences lack & desire where shadow breathes it lung into agape open up of wound agaze into as if to ever of in foreign fragment of scattered through of once of only of never of forgotten of in where what of some ever of as merely if...

...[bound blackened meat of some effortless fragrant of whereof dust realms coat some expose smear by design of which whereof strip of what of echoflesh nothing ever scatters dawn light across what of what wishful nocturne to become impenetrable night all]...

...agape choke upon stone tongue close of eye as if to have ever null & vacant observe shadow of breath cull of dead what what opulent shit in veins flung unto canine jaws (sicken) unto breath what speech what echo as if to spill it all out knock of some thrice design nectar laughter teasement of reek a corridor of none what of through ever closure of seclusion stasis & if in which taken from none closure of wound seared shut nowhere on into nothing ever in yet exile of forgotte forgets it ever-stitch what claim until...

...clears throat what echo-still of breach forgotte a silence of nullity tear of lack from limb lack expel what nothing having ever whereof colour claim as if to have of ever-in solace of devour colour tidal noose bite deep come collide with depth no answer have of given to stretch eaten of till bones exposed nothing of some dusk foreign lapse of view taken from where cast upon eye lapse into from out of sudden to expire recede into where none of some struck out blood to taste a reek of atrophic cheer drag out where sky of night bear down upon eye recall have or have not ever-shadow of cold dead teeth in laughter echo adrift of spastic abort of spastic spasm whole as if to where nowhere breathe upon given to gift what further of no not some on where nothing in of which is some dreaming else of in-dream cut short where sinew taste waste attrition fall to none what parry to aside nothing said have of ever if through which cold depth no nowhere of in on it was said scatter of poison seeds & desolate no nothing of having if in through which foreign storm of occlude(ed) piss upon flowerate knowing nothing of where pageant grows it does not refutes till breakage of never once all drought fallen from as if to say that what once was once will never rupture callous in of of weight stretching out some vellum tide a bitter terse a lock a wither of hand spillage of some unquantifiable liquid neither blood nor cum as on into whereof forgotten in an instance breath where fingers ache & warp throughout skies upheaval of mesh strip skinned headless abort closure of some nothing ever no not a...

...obsidian trace what of till matter less than was of in throughout cold shudder of foreign laughter breed in opulent distaste clamor by design where of in flesh what given lest of stray disclosure nullify empty out (pockets) cast of bones stone efficacy none in bond what weight in sickness drench with rain of some exist where shadow no longer of cast across foreground nothing of any worth follows allsame into where smear of meat collide with dead eyes what trace from begun nothing more than given or of or which...

...through dissipate of wings cold solace vacant-headed shrapnel bite of echo-distance where if no not on as if it could what matter of till lessened lack of anything other than collapse skies lack of colourings nor feel fingers that crack in amber oxidate of reflex distance no not take some pathway other of design/ a...

...neither could nor of whereby stole from blunt as corrupt as light streaks with excrement reveals writhes a bit yes yet in dictate form of vapour reek of absurd of ever of...

...try try trace of for somewhere on where shadowy as if to echo where to be possess of some gradient on frozen allwhile in bitter laughter rocks back & forth in shat a bankrupt cripple to one own damage in & of luxuriant on it says no matter...

...what fails as is to be in recollect neither of some advance of collect of bone ice till forget-me-nots failure of as if to motion on where to step is to ever-none resplendent no not a all said all sung of some devour cold weight of membrane twitch at pitch cold light voice fade out where trace non-if spill of where laughter of batheth walls to streak with failure all vibrate of shimmer of froze teeth spits them out all sung all said merely echo...

Michael Mc Aloran was Belfast born, (1976). He is the author of a number of collections of poetry, prose poetry, poetic aphorisms and prose, including Attributes, (Desperanto, NY, 2011), The Non Herein & Of Dead Silences (Lapwing Publications, 2011/ 2013), Of the Nothing Of, The Zero Eye, The Bled Sun, In Damage Seasons, (Oneiros Books (U.K)—2013/ 14); Code #4 Texts, a collaboration with Aad de Gids, was also published in 2014 by Oneiros. Two further collections, Un-Sight/ Un-Sound (delirium X.) & The Banality of Else were both published by gnOme books (2014). EchoNone was also released 2015 by Oneiros Books. Black Editions Press also released Untitled #2 & [unspoken] in 2016, and longshadowfall was published by Editions du Cygne (FR) in 2017. Catascope, was also published by Editions du Cygne early in 2018, and two further projects, the black vault & all null having, are now published by VoidFront Press...
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