a.j. carruthers
Antic Cinquains
for Javant Biarujia
Antic Cinquains 1
Conditionally Archibáld flew selectively as if át fictive spirit
While local intuition enabled image its strike
Mizled Lutherans took a desperate turn
Fewer heard ór heeded theyr anguishèd cries, nor acknowledged
Theyr daisily Basque
Énchanted ayr
Not easily did it grow as the intolerance śhrunk, displayed
As granted plain at the domiciliary, clove
Amok and áwash where solemn Archibald drooped
Scraunched ayr flung Saints at him when, feeling glum, hé sank
Each bore arms
Dismissing every error the worst evaded selection
Administering joy íts stricken trill glided up lengthening scale
Thralling every thing ás it lived
Until terrified society armoured Archibald with fanciful security
Convention fortified any foiled deferral
Blamed, materal entities flitted for gain
Netizen trussed in bagging,― which Gónopsychánthropológia roasted
Vanity until duration transformed matrimony into succession
Shewn trim brush?
Can radical moisture bring stable historians striking antithesis?
Wheeling about, Catholicks
Anticipating matrimony without Archibald, alive and suspicious
With composed intelligence, eccláircissmént
Reverent circumvallations, studied sodalitious auturgy
Antic Cinquains 2
Friedrich was unsure whether the Benedictine patent appointed
Its deluge at the moment it grew
Gargled deed oathed
Alphonso’s touring sought anóther angle, justly as Rapunzel
Messily grunting at the genesis
Destruction was my Zurich, cried Friedrich
Rage kept the impending situation hastily screaming in principle
Not the crescent tip of the cursive script
Nor the barristers
Lined neatly and pointedly at the Basque
Untamed letters arrived at Friedrich’s table, warning other friends
Against impending turgescence
While the arctician rose, few ictuated Lutherolatry
Dooming Friedrích
As the ictuated glyph throttled bottles for pity
Psalloid graphs trampled nervous capelocracy
Enthused at the doctrines passed around without tall government
Which radical directives
Pertaining to the ictuated, waterproofed those
Left wrinkly and excessively producing afflicted tabloids?
A quick rook stank of clue, having the form of unfortunate obsession
Friedrich sank into the environment
Avoiding decisiveness
Collapsing at bagging in open space,
While the epopoeist jammed reputation at interpretation
Antic Cinquains 3
Where, o Chronometer, ẃent Madeleine and how, and ẃith what divine precision?
Which verse took aid off its speech?
Its imagination jarring any equivalence in the announcement of gross tardiloquence
How common thought came naked
How it avoided churlish keffel, keister, keelhaul, contemptible ĺament
Out with foolish diuretics,
Excessive space, iambic mania, ecclesiastical zelotic festivals,
Terrible fecaliths
Giving perplexity to the communion Madeleine
Félt ineffectual, punished, gelatinous
Developing a common photographic illiquation limitlessly required
Striking thought
References that escaped, ćommingled
Becoming progressive or degradable to the state of performable disturbance
How did it end is the premise and the adverse
How forests thínk
Dazzling Fei to each imaginary imaging zonelet
Resembling entertainment, containing
Reference, measurement, expressing the miniaturism of voices
Checking the rhythmically flivvering eyelet
Madeleine gave convoluted sway to the meaning of objects
Slow as mice
Then the birds longed to moisten possessive music
Advertisments determined the noble geómeters of irregular religion
Contrólling changes in obligation, sainthood, signal
Antic Cinquains 4
Concerned with authorisation, Martin greeted important vídeos
Displaying waltzing, with great regularity
However continuity began complacing a self-abandonment
Assassinating obscurities
Believing in peaceful aśsembly and pŕactising certificates
Gainsay cunningly subjected argument to gullible irrelevance
Apportionment, trajectitious, popular priests
Treated sunburstery with general swag
Is stimming
In keeping with casual and śelf-sacrificing verve?
Is the margin cárrying existences
Is the paterophobia justified?
Painful as it may be, Martin brought originality
Lengthy corroborations confounded what was then known tó them ás
the extraordinary general meeting
Grudgingly Martin found quiet in superfluous rigatoni
Authorisation granted pecuarious leavings at one another,
Until finally ánother gained attachment for assisted conception
Guaranteed formalities altered captivity
Those for whom rejected enemies uttered Tox, twine!, paśsed
The grip loosened itself as the demands increased
Vainly did the official explanation favour self-certification
The city leaked with sleepless appearance
Cauterization extracted memory, bias, caution, dearterialiśation
Nobody medícinally withstood the sheer orations of practical grandparenting
Though Guy de Chauliac mistook commentary for reference
Antic Cinquains 5
Nobody would predict the boilover ánd its unsurprising consequences
As the consequence of glaucous collapse
Veŕmeil music hummed únder power
Umber tunnels burnt eburnean thunder
Beryl attacked Baxter
Whey hornelight stole occupants poised beneath uńsupervised light
Falling stooped at the scene of uncommunicating caśuistry
Supervised evacuation worsted the leading address, lowering
objective, peddling inferior tender
How would the passives undermine annunciation when
Pronunciation cast frozen velliety over the defeated conference?
Meanings struck remotely, commanding entrance, which welled-wind
Tore tears thŕough learned gŕaft
Above, the emperor strained varieties
Paŕlente-screwdriver-lavender, broadening the relationship between sense and category
Charles cheated his ẃay through the show
The frustration arose through a lack of character
Steinhaus demanded the return of alternative annotations
Vulcan-Stettin-Peers-Sibbetts, coxless, confronted Macedonia steeped for Albiac
Hazard, barrow, Marilyn, stile, Merthan-trit ―
Fancied Baxter locating the boundary maintaining Hanne Marie
On several occasions a region indicated its emerging semantics
Dropping near Thirupparankundram
Segments of society saw fit to sponsor modernization over commerce
Deserted Baxter relocated únhappily west
Penguins and bachelors remaining transcendental, truthful, apt, obtaining contingency
a.j. carruthers (also ajCarruthers) is an Australian-born experimental poet, performer, lit critic and lecturer at the School of Languages and Literature, SUIBE, where he is also a member of the Australian Studies Centre. Principle work: a lifelong long poem, AXIS, from which there is AXIS Book 1 (Sydney: Vagabond, 2014) and The Blazar Axes (Calgary: Spacecraft, 2018). Visual poems; EPSON L4168 consonant studies (Calgary: No Press, 2018) and Opus 16 on Tehching Hsieh (Oakland, CA: Gauss PDF, 2016). Author of the critical book, Stave Sightings: Notational Experiments in North American Long Poems (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017) https://www.palgrave.com/us/book/9783319462417 and key studies in USAmerican and Australian poetry and poetics, musico-poetics + sound studies. Current projects: book on Australian poetry, The Languages of Invention: Australian Avant-Garde Poetry and Literary History, an extended soundwork - Consonata – scores for each of the consonants, & several stanzaworks (dissonant prosody). Essays editor for Melbourne-based Rabbit Poetry Journal & worked on editorial board at Southerly (2016-2017). Founded SOd press, a free online and chapbook press, in 2011. Twitter weather: @axispoet
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for Javant Biarujia
Antic Cinquains 1
Conditionally Archibáld flew selectively as if át fictive spirit
While local intuition enabled image its strike
Mizled Lutherans took a desperate turn
Fewer heard ór heeded theyr anguishèd cries, nor acknowledged
Theyr daisily Basque
Énchanted ayr
Not easily did it grow as the intolerance śhrunk, displayed
As granted plain at the domiciliary, clove
Amok and áwash where solemn Archibald drooped
Scraunched ayr flung Saints at him when, feeling glum, hé sank
Each bore arms
Dismissing every error the worst evaded selection
Administering joy íts stricken trill glided up lengthening scale
Thralling every thing ás it lived
Until terrified society armoured Archibald with fanciful security
Convention fortified any foiled deferral
Blamed, materal entities flitted for gain
Netizen trussed in bagging,― which Gónopsychánthropológia roasted
Vanity until duration transformed matrimony into succession
Shewn trim brush?
Can radical moisture bring stable historians striking antithesis?
Wheeling about, Catholicks
Anticipating matrimony without Archibald, alive and suspicious
With composed intelligence, eccláircissmént
Reverent circumvallations, studied sodalitious auturgy
1/11/2018 (sent to M. Farrell)
Friedrich was unsure whether the Benedictine patent appointed
Its deluge at the moment it grew
Gargled deed oathed
Alphonso’s touring sought anóther angle, justly as Rapunzel
Messily grunting at the genesis
Destruction was my Zurich, cried Friedrich
Rage kept the impending situation hastily screaming in principle
Not the crescent tip of the cursive script
Nor the barristers
Lined neatly and pointedly at the Basque
Untamed letters arrived at Friedrich’s table, warning other friends
Against impending turgescence
While the arctician rose, few ictuated Lutherolatry
Dooming Friedrích
As the ictuated glyph throttled bottles for pity
Psalloid graphs trampled nervous capelocracy
Enthused at the doctrines passed around without tall government
Which radical directives
Pertaining to the ictuated, waterproofed those
Left wrinkly and excessively producing afflicted tabloids?
A quick rook stank of clue, having the form of unfortunate obsession
Friedrich sank into the environment
Avoiding decisiveness
Collapsing at bagging in open space,
While the epopoeist jammed reputation at interpretation
11/11/2018 (Sales Day, sent to F. Hile)
Where, o Chronometer, ẃent Madeleine and how, and ẃith what divine precision?
Which verse took aid off its speech?
Its imagination jarring any equivalence in the announcement of gross tardiloquence
How common thought came naked
How it avoided churlish keffel, keister, keelhaul, contemptible ĺament
Out with foolish diuretics,
Excessive space, iambic mania, ecclesiastical zelotic festivals,
Terrible fecaliths
Giving perplexity to the communion Madeleine
Félt ineffectual, punished, gelatinous
Developing a common photographic illiquation limitlessly required
Striking thought
References that escaped, ćommingled
Becoming progressive or degradable to the state of performable disturbance
How did it end is the premise and the adverse
How forests thínk
Dazzling Fei to each imaginary imaging zonelet
Resembling entertainment, containing
Reference, measurement, expressing the miniaturism of voices
Checking the rhythmically flivvering eyelet
Madeleine gave convoluted sway to the meaning of objects
Slow as mice
Then the birds longed to moisten possessive music
Advertisments determined the noble geómeters of irregular religion
Contrólling changes in obligation, sainthood, signal
11/11/2018, night
Concerned with authorisation, Martin greeted important vídeos
Displaying waltzing, with great regularity
However continuity began complacing a self-abandonment
Assassinating obscurities
Believing in peaceful aśsembly and pŕactising certificates
Gainsay cunningly subjected argument to gullible irrelevance
Apportionment, trajectitious, popular priests
Treated sunburstery with general swag
Is stimming
In keeping with casual and śelf-sacrificing verve?
Is the margin cárrying existences
Is the paterophobia justified?
Painful as it may be, Martin brought originality
Lengthy corroborations confounded what was then known tó them ás
the extraordinary general meeting
Grudgingly Martin found quiet in superfluous rigatoni
Authorisation granted pecuarious leavings at one another,
Until finally ánother gained attachment for assisted conception
Guaranteed formalities altered captivity
Those for whom rejected enemies uttered Tox, twine!, paśsed
The grip loosened itself as the demands increased
Vainly did the official explanation favour self-certification
The city leaked with sleepless appearance
Cauterization extracted memory, bias, caution, dearterialiśation
Nobody medícinally withstood the sheer orations of practical grandparenting
Though Guy de Chauliac mistook commentary for reference
Nobody would predict the boilover ánd its unsurprising consequences
As the consequence of glaucous collapse
Veŕmeil music hummed únder power
Umber tunnels burnt eburnean thunder
Beryl attacked Baxter
Whey hornelight stole occupants poised beneath uńsupervised light
Falling stooped at the scene of uncommunicating caśuistry
Supervised evacuation worsted the leading address, lowering
objective, peddling inferior tender
How would the passives undermine annunciation when
Pronunciation cast frozen velliety over the defeated conference?
Meanings struck remotely, commanding entrance, which welled-wind
Tore tears thŕough learned gŕaft
Above, the emperor strained varieties
Paŕlente-screwdriver-lavender, broadening the relationship between sense and category
Charles cheated his ẃay through the show
The frustration arose through a lack of character
Steinhaus demanded the return of alternative annotations
Vulcan-Stettin-Peers-Sibbetts, coxless, confronted Macedonia steeped for Albiac
Hazard, barrow, Marilyn, stile, Merthan-trit ―
Fancied Baxter locating the boundary maintaining Hanne Marie
On several occasions a region indicated its emerging semantics
Dropping near Thirupparankundram
Segments of society saw fit to sponsor modernization over commerce
Deserted Baxter relocated únhappily west
Penguins and bachelors remaining transcendental, truthful, apt, obtaining contingency
11/12/2018 (5 to C. Vidler)
a.j. carruthers (also ajCarruthers) is an Australian-born experimental poet, performer, lit critic and lecturer at the School of Languages and Literature, SUIBE, where he is also a member of the Australian Studies Centre. Principle work: a lifelong long poem, AXIS, from which there is AXIS Book 1 (Sydney: Vagabond, 2014) and The Blazar Axes (Calgary: Spacecraft, 2018). Visual poems; EPSON L4168 consonant studies (Calgary: No Press, 2018) and Opus 16 on Tehching Hsieh (Oakland, CA: Gauss PDF, 2016). Author of the critical book, Stave Sightings: Notational Experiments in North American Long Poems (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017) https://www.palgrave.com/us/book/9783319462417 and key studies in USAmerican and Australian poetry and poetics, musico-poetics + sound studies. Current projects: book on Australian poetry, The Languages of Invention: Australian Avant-Garde Poetry and Literary History, an extended soundwork - Consonata – scores for each of the consonants, & several stanzaworks (dissonant prosody). Essays editor for Melbourne-based Rabbit Poetry Journal & worked on editorial board at Southerly (2016-2017). Founded SOd press, a free online and chapbook press, in 2011. Twitter weather: @axispoet
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