Heath Brougher
Heath Brougher is the co-poetry editor of Into the Void Magazine, winner of the 2017 and 2018 Saboteur Award for Best Magazine. He is a multiple Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net Award Nominee. He published two chapbooks in 2017 and two full lengths in 2018. His most recent book is The Ethnophere's Duality (Cyberwit.Net 2018) and he has two three full length collections forthcoming in 2019.
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Mess STOP A(xiom)sking quixotic questions;; the (f)led away from house;; idle do nothing = nothing is something; fa ’’ len down;; aqua elix(XXX)er = agua; bespoka becomeness→ floorstairs flood chlorine carPETS→ ; (p)lush pimple & ;; (b)lack dimples ;; SPILL[e]T;;. Led (A)long Big black flapt wings and encounter (o)odd creatures these emerging tan/gents - - ELECTRICITY - - near by wet gro(o)ves all-though Conscious ‘mong the unnamed nation attention freefall ! ! attention free(for)all ! ! faceflat ! !— unnamed nations long wooden bench growing hedges (menaced by MOI) Foolsapril Lewis practiced — with them without if I can punch through diamonds then maybe… previous chapter tells of my Oslo guns puffin plush bells worn as hats eroded ex(ample) myth specimen Retracted and called forth with a badtooth— mine Remine———chopper offer———mine—Remine hid by pitch shadow groo(ooooo)ver Lan(d)caster missing feature———big FENCE———toes of mosquitoes combed zombies — ALMOST th(ink)e cat’s tail in ript off in meatgrinder by bullies of competitive cows A-fl(o)at — Rasta line — transmission in of the brain — everthescarce life lives and dies simultaneously W 2, W 5, W 8, W 9, W 10, W 47, L 55, W 107, W 225, W 228, W 241, L 250, W SV, W 299, L 99, W 297;;. Illum-I-Nation Flash and Walt Dizzy… cobra mamba aspeaking the scents tworn…twisted…turpentine…taint… audible assiduous so LISTEN UPUPUP !!!!! with ripest of eardrums!!→ hear! (h)ear! get cha news brought to you by perception of windswept whatever!!!!! Ript Shoes rupture, spilling feet across(ST) the ground→ holey ground→ howling gro(U)un(N)ded(D)→ g-r-o-w-n-d down to less(zz) than meekest of (2) sounds;;— zealous s(z)alad,, thumbprint memory(s) WHIPPT!! a-Way wagging a head, deeply steeped in disappointment;;. EX-act InVite IN-[vit[[I-]]-iate]]VI-TA-TION to EXILE→ the axe aisle;; form-YOU-laic terp… isopic… ]THUD[ edge of the Thule→ sneakerhead normalcy,, vituperate viperbite;; ALLABOARD!!! the (t)rain to Ovid’s empty island;; rituals (clue)less [madeup]→ ;;
Heath Brougher is the co-poetry editor of Into the Void Magazine, winner of the 2017 and 2018 Saboteur Award for Best Magazine. He is a multiple Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net Award Nominee. He published two chapbooks in 2017 and two full lengths in 2018. His most recent book is The Ethnophere's Duality (Cyberwit.Net 2018) and he has two three full length collections forthcoming in 2019.
Speechless H! This is intergalactic! Whoah!Unrivalled!Bravo!
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