Jim Leftwich & Steve Dalachinsky
Jim Leftwich is a poet and essayist who lives in Roanoke, VA, USA. He is the author of Six Months Aint No Sentence Books 1 -187 (Differx Hosting@Box, 2011 - 2016), and three volumes of essays entitled Rascible & Kempt Vols. 1 - 3 (Luna Bisonte Prods, 2016-2017).
Poet/collagist Steve Dalachinsky was born in Brooklyn after the last big war and has managed to survive lots of little wars. His book The Final Nite (Ugly Duckling Presse) won the PEN Oakland National Book Award. His most recent books are Fools Gold (2014 feral press), a superintendent's eyes (revised and expanded 2013 - unbearable/ autonomedia), flying home, a collaboration with German visual artist Sig Bang Schmidt (Paris Lit Up Press 2015), The Invisible Ray, with artwork by Shalom Neuman, from Overpass Press, "5-COLOR ASSORTMENT" Chameleon Too from Redfox Press, and FROZEN HEATWAVE with Yuko Otomo, from Luna Bisonte Prods. His latest cd is The Fallout of Dreams with Dave Liebman and Richie Beirach (Roguart 2014). His poem “Particle Fever” was nominated for a 2015 Pushcart Prize.
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green soft/pling why subatomic vermin either too full or too empty to be thought amphetamine patriosis rip/snort paralysis highend highjinx hygiene always last/first & men do stam(p) da proof in da pod/cast wiggly poetics improvisational promiscuity academic folklords a cult of culture-making cast iron flyfishing always a highwire parataxis granted green mats dependent on soft/pling a gracious spill of why not pretense of relaxation within borders of confine vowelic melodiousness self-made proletarian sabbatical this is the kind of time God would inhabit if he existed if he existed as a fragment or a postcard. plot stem hummer im print the hand clap hill shout re print press hind imp rest i cular window cell cilia fossil poetry clout slap shin heavenmetal m e n t a l weather pint-seized hell ee cop tour whip out whooper trance screamers what typer lips ex press / pressure drop draped tongue cut of(t)en soft but young merino, contumely, notes from underground... memory is not subjective — how old do you have to be to know that? helix crop circling ships cop tic(k) trans end dent /al(l) marine life organ is mmm mm ar gin al(e) sphinx/ter muckle plotsemheimer Stravinsky neighborhood: poetry (as in Beethoven, or Rauschenberg) is a perpetu ally seditio us charter of human rights // sideways thinking meristic phrontistery aesthetics of abundance rotissisere & crack/ward blinking... umbilical chord of illumination Role of Poetry perpetual vs periodic inventory disalienatory airports for particles Role of Poetry — to Obliterate Pessimism perennial inventories blown whistle dreary dues captain 'lectric cloudy chair best of friends needy companion rainin' stormy on the sea i feel somebody has ship wrecked for / me blue wish troubles flown capital rain nest drains thistle lectern tricks fried torment weary clout eye seeds only fuse hairs comb onion seal eyefeed some bodies hash shop invented stories of alien articles in life kissed death cold lips lord hot/dog on my roll red rose heart of green briar fell blot em/brace the wire ar m ature brank use gioc met me sou teen risque "you have to start somewhere" they said, but i didn't and still don't believe them despite global warming & heart/ break bicameral pulsion foamer wall of tin (sel) declarate the warped ones mizu (gucci) rem(br)an(d)t self po(u)r / trait s diploma/dials intuitional optimism v o w e l i c heat self-branching bones of the desecrated s ea l sea l sea-wall hopevue dry/wall plyward boptional rivers/compulsion involute la foam/er/sohm) placid placard ' s paella wry venue tonal barnyard what are the best sources for protein? spelling cardboard diplomacy moss-over loam and nose flute abstract truthes & olive branches. storytelling they were telling stories around the lamp-fire. i remember i feel 17 years of non. non-did non-despite non-iconic non-would. they were wars dispatched and laundered next to process. toasted they roasted marsh demons always scary ghost sagas i was at times mellow though a frayed of the dark & of sweeping outside / the the stars were a comforting blank kit... i slept with both eyes op tioned, boasting of the scarred host, stark & weeping. shoes on fire. dawn as fear arrives for a fee. roborate, rident, costrengthening, creaking. i was streeped in (t) ra/di(a)/tion over-ripe for (g)rif(f) ting - ear splayed lopin' re/tread in gog me )b)lust elements of chemo-/stree ready to gather me rose/bloods whilst i coudn't for a day @ the (t)race / rack. lather the streets with clack & glint. hematomancy. radiation-creep, roped-off & layered (flog them with bread, not with cake) walked chalk faced millenials having taken the courses 8 now the money gibberishing their way thru solid cell you -loid mascara, bluefish in the swamp opine ses ami da ditto-mat eats der fisherman un(d) sard/een swimmith 'tween da legs of der pisher/mint der cramp/liar is soaked by the (b)rain (what do you mean when you say "drain the swamp"?) open like a seed or a brillo pad? pen OH sez army spliff like spleen drill or dapple/gang her ornaments (a)for long ball peen hammer, a foot-long ball peen hammer. says ah mea(n) grinned griminal "don't you mind / people grinnin' / in your face" says john the revelator groping @ the elevator hatch moaning open sesame seed me bluelin bring da gypsy's blue lips home. july 2018 blunderfucked food no socks was a normal pigeon he transformed his smut with just one thing trial & erasure / the capital gained from muttering into wobbliness abysses x marked 2 stages of xenophopia a word he could spell but had no real knowledge of g. the way the transom hung l. why the cat was put in the bag p. no wonder spring got lost in each eye a universe of voices in each eye an omniverse of noises in each eye an I against each I in each I an eye inside an eye no thing from abyss no real no thing no thing no real no thing knowledge of the way is a bag of ghosts no wonder the cat a word x marked muttering into erasure transformed once perhaps twice into soft pillowed purrs the homing pigeon not realizing it was now part of the street eating the taste he left over when leaving the diner c. no blunder could account for the mess that ensued f. he was totally fucked as he shat in the supermarket black t-shirt full of food stains showing his big belly his shorts piss stained no socks middle of winter n. it was obvious he was a normal pigeon u. he was a widget (pidgin) v. a flock of no (& gno-) w. plunder (thunder / under / mind) x. rice fluttering a host of hinges (tao) y. purring streets (sweeping up) z. dining on the winter belly (fat) he transformed his trial by smothering the cats in wonder he should have blown his brains out but sat most of the time staring at his paycheck he was a pharaoh no longer but the bottom of a sad peach cobbler who managed to cobble stoned a pair of upright munitions works 16. the code of the west was broken into - 21. nothing but chaos was found 22. the wild wild west 17. But down these mean streets a man must go who is not himself mean, who is neither tarnished nor afraid. 23. brains no longer a pair 18. munitions at the bottom of time so with the swell of the sad man's shorts we cannot deny that for once & a day eternal numbers & letters prevail amongst his misplaced dreams. december 2018
Jim Leftwich is a poet and essayist who lives in Roanoke, VA, USA. He is the author of Six Months Aint No Sentence Books 1 -187 (Differx Hosting@Box, 2011 - 2016), and three volumes of essays entitled Rascible & Kempt Vols. 1 - 3 (Luna Bisonte Prods, 2016-2017).
Poet/collagist Steve Dalachinsky was born in Brooklyn after the last big war and has managed to survive lots of little wars. His book The Final Nite (Ugly Duckling Presse) won the PEN Oakland National Book Award. His most recent books are Fools Gold (2014 feral press), a superintendent's eyes (revised and expanded 2013 - unbearable/ autonomedia), flying home, a collaboration with German visual artist Sig Bang Schmidt (Paris Lit Up Press 2015), The Invisible Ray, with artwork by Shalom Neuman, from Overpass Press, "5-COLOR ASSORTMENT" Chameleon Too from Redfox Press, and FROZEN HEATWAVE with Yuko Otomo, from Luna Bisonte Prods. His latest cd is The Fallout of Dreams with Dave Liebman and Richie Beirach (Roguart 2014). His poem “Particle Fever” was nominated for a 2015 Pushcart Prize.
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