Jesse Glass
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France Urns F ‘absurdist’ lay right gene Ion O Paris (Reuters) F day urned layright O gene Ion, O oMan f & F the world’s most performed au- thor died at 8 f Paris quo art o slyly x & F it red “His vi sion of the world-- surd, iron , dis -- pro— our era,” sd F er ean d’Or . oman tell so urned his death, describe it as a O O O “ death parable lo not only for man but o for the whole d,” distin- guished Ion all in all. O f the pre-eminent “ab- surdist” writer whose work war eat ion o pict one pair in ten delicious lays “ to say is to say,” he once sd in a typical phrase. But I think. say is per- haps deo shot, f laying uninterrupted in Paris f gene Ion 38 exiled anti unit f ascist oses Prima deo Donna. outs. cessful Ion. (Ode on the death of Eugene Ionesco)
from The Complete Gaha Noas Zorge & sky—color of a cuttlefish belly & brain measured in mustard seeds & want the world to crowd directly into nerves & nodes today & Living-Chain-Man Self-Regulating Man stare into blank screens Man screaming: madam I’m adam madam I’m adam madam I’m adam (the bullets just drilled home, the bets not yet pocketed) & an old gentleman stinketh of piss & runneth to catch a train & blink & blink & n,e,v,e,r blink a,g,a,i,n & the baby w/ chrome brains (in the arms of the young woman running jangling rings on ears & fingers behind the old man) thinks: “0/1 “0/1 “0/1 “0/1 “now “goes “perishing “the “e,m,p,t,i,e,s,t “of “ANGELS” & among this moment’s coffee guzzlers & crumb cadavers of terra cotta physique who will stop to lay a golden reed against the sun? not a one.
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