Sheila E. Murphy & Douglas Barbour
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Continuations CXVIII: radial rendition a newish                black holed up hold up after moth                balled or bailed out of hack into                what vast virtual archive other than wishing                render unto moths what light arrives                in bales               blond wheat               under the driven                fact of heat burn heart turned                some other way beyond comprehension as any soul or sole adventurer might seek far or                forgot to mean meander to the mean                behind the sole convergence                               post venture while solaria draw in                light fare                shared in form of under &n bsp   statement star meant light shade                whiter shadowed face saved filed under                lostsong a state                meant for mal                               icing on the cakewalk clockwork ordains pallor                far from windows               shallow                               light to read by fingering a text drawn                freehandily      quiet                               at face value with drawn quarter moon signs the turn of                who screwed whom ever more in sorrow than in escrow birds of a tether                locked in or out opinions mutually rankle                holders of               friction                turned fundament sadness inside               birds shrill through                windows               though                               doubled paned doubled pan out or                in belief a trans parent patent med                ium tedium                trill repeat                               until (over) done a rill dries                in relief               minerals                               panned yield light rent     its own                te deum                               trills belied by ease hearts rue bloody boulevard of schemes                bigger easy gospel horned honked all the way to the tallest iron gate                way ward as ninepins varietals seize the eye                by wayside after home                               belies a nine iron start kit                              lug nuts from yonder                squealing               brakes all ways too late no latte                latitude for this creamed careering slide into fist                flattened flick of arrest wrestled to                the burning ground lids of lattes careen                toward laterally passé                               burn unit y the flat side of the planet                falls     to cream round                after rendering surrendering to sybaritic apocalypse full cup                surface tension a picture perfect rep resent full disclosure                s lip or re slope lips that brush cups                on a scale of this picture through actual stats     may                elope on one side of perfection               dis                closing the gap the mind a zing of sing sing harmony as                always disturbed dis urbed a village ruined raises nothing but razed                hopes children fall lolling among the turbulence                raises probationary prompts                village                children step up to plates with disarming                singsong insularity eat what they receive no child left behind an island                escape impossible image jail break a sound of trumped up                charges (into what breach there in the nearby office                breaks in sequence speak to posses on the island of a recent kismet rice tossed to the well                groomed pair of cake top figurines so blended or blinded                by the flight a flicker of recognition that thought                begins again too late to lament the moment                airy nothings sound lambent surface of an atmosphere                the skin knows                               as if championing a new cognition                can softness ignite any                               thing this slight alight upon a surface                tension trends shunned while the sectors section                off compass compassion negated                bank bailout sans parachute face first into the pool                pass go               paraprophetic nocturnes leave tension                               shunted for the nonce vectors coexist with                clear directions to the sectors generalized movie tone                deaf to the extras ordinary lift of hope                less insurance taxes                other added fees                               a future feature brings phonetic texts hopped up                thought hoped in sure footed                               t extract               taxing                prior fealty               to a way                               of liftoff just a tad off message   addling whose minds inquisitive minders want to know                lodge complaints but to what or whom the new personages                chartered to buy the answer ages pass and lodgers                exquisite in violet and pressure blue        mend                charts with song and stipules                home                at last home at least backed                the same way ward loan shops                stored blown slips in lock step lack sleep                non-union marching order(s) cat splayed across side                walk side ways steps stones under                               branches shielding white      gray fur                               from unison motion union notion noticed un                done ill                               buy my self a loan cakewalk through the tune                smithies burning over                               time to go (down elves walk closer to the cake                each time around               a round                               sung    yearning and the runes spell rough                               waters               one more                thing to burn a language made up                or out word as                               sentence to sing sing sing play                hard play loose                               be heard for years order in the court               tense prelude                singular               lay of the landing                               ardent need lays low                                              until the till meets veering                               set minds released from ways
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