Joe Balaz
On wun park bench
not far from
wun outside amphitheater
I wuz captivated by da vibes
of wun musical trio
playing on wun English horn,
wun stand up bass,
and wun contrabassoon.
Da music found my ears
and da unusual mix of instruments
showed dat anykine combination
can make anykine stew.
Just den
wun guy wit wun goatee
holding wun guitar case
walked up to me
and he wen say,
“Hey Joe,
wattah you know?”
Can you tell me
wheah da improve session is?
And by da way,
wheah are you going
wit dat gun in your hand?”
I told ‘um,
“I wuz gonna set my old lady free
and trow all my wounded wishes
into wun garbage can.”
he stared at me
wit wun undahstanding look
and in wun consoling voice
he wen sort of agree,
“I know wat you mean, brah,
cause my baby took all of my green,
and she broke my will along da way too,
so I can dig it.”
Den he wen wink at me
and I watched him
walk around da corner
to da entrance of da amphitheater
dat I directed him to.
He mistook da stapler in my hand
foa wun pistol
but I just needed it
to secure all da papers
foa da divorce proceedings.
Taking some solace
in wat da guy said
I lit wun cigarette
and gazed skyward at wun tall minaret
wheah wun old man made of glass
chanted out wun soliloquy
dat actually belonged to me.
I taught to myself,
“Love in da world sure can slide
into wun unfortunate abyss
so you might as well
just get out of da way.”
As if on cue
wun guitarist
wit wun goatee joined in wit da trio
and da musicians
proceeded to lay down
wun appropriate rendition
of improvised blues.
Joe Balaz has created works in American English and Hawaiian Islands Pidgin (Hawai'i Creole English).
He presently lives in Cleveland, Ohio, and he is the author of Pidgin Eye.
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On wun park bench
not far from
wun outside amphitheater
I wuz captivated by da vibes
of wun musical trio
playing on wun English horn,
wun stand up bass,
and wun contrabassoon.
Da music found my ears
and da unusual mix of instruments
showed dat anykine combination
can make anykine stew.
Just den
wun guy wit wun goatee
holding wun guitar case
walked up to me
and he wen say,
“Hey Joe,
wattah you know?”
Can you tell me
wheah da improve session is?
And by da way,
wheah are you going
wit dat gun in your hand?”
I told ‘um,
“I wuz gonna set my old lady free
and trow all my wounded wishes
into wun garbage can.”
he stared at me
wit wun undahstanding look
and in wun consoling voice
he wen sort of agree,
“I know wat you mean, brah,
cause my baby took all of my green,
and she broke my will along da way too,
so I can dig it.”
Den he wen wink at me
and I watched him
walk around da corner
to da entrance of da amphitheater
dat I directed him to.
He mistook da stapler in my hand
foa wun pistol
but I just needed it
to secure all da papers
foa da divorce proceedings.
Taking some solace
in wat da guy said
I lit wun cigarette
and gazed skyward at wun tall minaret
wheah wun old man made of glass
chanted out wun soliloquy
dat actually belonged to me.
I taught to myself,
“Love in da world sure can slide
into wun unfortunate abyss
so you might as well
just get out of da way.”
As if on cue
wun guitarist
wit wun goatee joined in wit da trio
and da musicians
proceeded to lay down
wun appropriate rendition
of improvised blues.
Joe Balaz has created works in American English and Hawaiian Islands Pidgin (Hawai'i Creole English).
He presently lives in Cleveland, Ohio, and he is the author of Pidgin Eye.
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