Giuseppe Calandriello

from the L'Orbitale series

Giuseppe Calandriello was born in Pietrasantain 1979. After artistic studies he graduated in Cinema, Music and Theatre at Pisa University. He's a member of the literary group [dia-foria. In 2017 he edited the second edition of Obsoleto by Vincenzo Agnetti. His writings and artworks are published in several anthologies such as «Tuttologia e Contro Zam», «Nuova Tèchne», «Scrivereall’infinito», «Offerta Speciale», «ToCall», «BAU», «Antologia Ad Hoc», «UTSANGA», «Franticham's Fluxus Assembling Box» and «Athe(X)ehtA» (with P. Corner, A. Arias-Misson and B. Vautier). His artistic research focuses on a variety of aspects such as randomness, determinism, the relationship between the impossibleand the improbable, cosmic energies and the power of sign language.
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