Vernon Frazer
Vernon Frazer hides in plain sight.
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Paying Forward on Credit dominion hurlers arch their shaking asphalt grudging derelict dismay its patent smear breaking an aching placebo before the crust shift shook the lantern patterns loose from shadow shaping swollen clusters black and blended over concrete looming a slow play flickers a hand out clutching a curve of concrete fragment jagged past the palm dripping red wake for a future to follow the shadows ahead of itself What Was As Is stretching diaphanous enigma cleft a storied tuning unsung vocal chord history rhetoric left to fodder stylus returns the needle's fidelity to a nod in(g) groove left to present in the mysteries of the past returning tales of the tiger's ebb the casting drama soaps dialogue a clean wash daily weekend waits the tuning fork stigma reduced to rubble ballads left unstrung in the heft of abandoned fortitude a web spins the darkening cold that wraps the tangled sky’s breath Delivering the Guarded Answers the caddy of speedboats among voyeurs slipping ashore disposes heritage to the unmentioned posing pasted darling chaperone shipped delays to its vacant settlers breeder glamor the lingering rotisserie outlines sunburns on the pedal vent * monolithic playgrounds clear posses guard the secondaries repel the compendium usher colonnade enactment its predicate dawning thirsty maximum before caliper tread past renunciation cackling the meritocracy breathes cement revolt prides quaking peasants grasped the will scourge past palpitation clipped toward reassessments forking the lash * airlift history drifts past magnet predictions granite doormats where incisors pull the mutilation lumens grimly before withdrawal fortnight relapse learned recognition confused legislation menagerie reporter encased the robots in predicates as a vesicle artfully worn on seatbelts to motorway moves * deaf to speeds near steak custody lacking scented sambas delinquents in a beauty hood pressed scavenging sessions past advertising patois the work finesse sweeps vaunted despite a forked circumstance raising honed usages shown promptly under explication
Vernon Frazer hides in plain sight.
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