Jim Leftwich

from Bursting Presents

Arch & Sever

sHiFting hOuses Rise ReSuLTing
aLtOGeTHer diVerse LiTEratUres
Grouse  festOOned   snOWdRifts

dETUned vERSes

hoWLing RhYMes eMbaTtLed
dEstrOying, hierArchical 

Evaporating hair

fiSh FiVe EntrOpic
GeNeTic giViNg gAs
MaSHed uP potatoes
TreMbLing, toRNado

Nothing to see

CriTiQue iNsTitUtiOnal
DiOnysOs AmnEsia seals
SiLent sYLlables, cosm
ReCUsed THursdAY queue

Thickly semic glue

sToRytELlers   eXcaVate
    FeBRiLe eEl eNaBLes
/ UnVeriFiable fIERceLy
dEniEd fORGOttEn spOoNs

Excavated fevers

opENLy I, An eYe
MIsINformINg a WiNg,
UndEr riGid riGOrs
aUGMented EgGs ReaLiTy
BuTTOnHoLed bOttOMless
/ residUe asseMBLing,
this is the, tYpiCal
tReEs, tHiNKing,
/ mOre tHan mOSt

Moist winking residue

Beauty, bEaUty
By iNVerse

The Basement-Shine

BeYOnd mOderNities
YeaRNiNg HapTic 

Too quick to teem

  jUst liKe that, tHis
uNdErSide oF eMerGeNcy 
      meMOries / bEcAUse
        BeCauSe braCKish
CoaL-SeAms, iNteRsteLlar
   WaTer cONFirMiNg
sTeps ElseWhere beTwEEn

Water seems memory

buLLdOZers MoODy
VariaBLe diMeNSions PraCTiTiOners
   nUaNCed nEVEr nEAR

Reverent intensity — John Cage diary entry

iLluMinated sLivers Of fUr
/ axle zoon,
Given to Barcodes & baRitOnes,
Shared saLads & MoONs / FibULa,
gAseOus LoOM

Corn knife

   NeGaTiVity sEAms
 eQuAtes EcOsYTemic
shOe coax ReSTRiCts
  vaRiOusly MaNaGed
wOrLdWide   TopsOiL

Earthquakes coax

equiLATeRal wiNdFaRms TubULin
mY BreaKFast MaPpiNg EmeRGe
Bias-bASed WeaViNg pLuRaLities

Woven wind-maps

BaTCh / saCRed 
hUb, bOtChed
kNoTty ZiNc
/ UneXaMiNed
LiVes uNKnown

Turbulent merging

as aStral iNTeRTWinEd
DesiGNs / asTer AsTiR
PoTEnTiALly, pLace 
tHe pOEm bEtwEEn tHe
ShEeTs / reINforCing
pOlLuTiOn, CiTy,
ciTATion, eQUIdIStant

Twin signs astir

HeCtAres uNiTaRy
  By tHuNdeRing
 iN CaSe Of, My
iGLoo, Our Icing

Awash in vested spackle

  wHy My
Gut / the ToepOEm, tHe
  quARt ToGgLe baGGies
    FiReSTOrm / CaRbOn 
     DiOXidE, tOo lONg
gASTric,   aT The Fair

Bent comb

BeNt,   HeNce daTa
aLleGed / campAIGNed
raBbLe, robBer  CoMB

Letters forth

gAsH, gasholine,
   hEliUm LiMp,
hOLdiNg fORth,
fOOd fOr Letters
tHOUGht, ThOuGHt

Strategic expectations

   Will iT Is if
iNtuiTed uTiLiTy
aGNOstic sHiPping

We make some of the governments

fLuxdUst iN lOwer fLoWers,
FloWErs / maKing, mARkiNg
aN iNner tHUMp, fOur dAYs
   fOLdEd iNto oNe pOem,
   diFfeReNt liNeBacKers,
   LiNEar wiNGs

After Until: A Story

StruGgles   HeREiN
InAdeQuate dEtails


Jim Leftwich is a poet and essayist who lives in Roanoke, VA, USA. He is the author of Six Months Aint No Sentence Books 1 -187 (Differx Hosting@Box, 2011 - 2016), three volumes of essays entitled Rascible & Kempt Vols. 1 - 3 (Luna Bisonte Prods, 2016-2017), and i reMEmber petrOLeum (Luna Bisonte Prods, 2019). Bursting Presents has just been released from Luna Bisonte Prods.
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