Marilyn R. Rosenberg

Marilyn R. Rosenberg writes: "As usual, MRR's works are actual and virtual images made with pens, inks and gouache, scanned into the computer to change and merge to become visual and asemic poems.

"MRR's works are on/in 2018-19 exhibitions, blogs and web publications, and print edition pages.

"Her two latest individual artists' books are FALSE FICTION FRACTURED FACT ALTERED, Post-Asemic Press #008, 2019- http://postasemicpress.blogspot.com/2018/08/false-fiction-fractured-fact-altered-by.html and FADE TO BLACK, Part three of Otoliths, issue forty-eight, published by Otoliths, Australia, March 2018- http://www.lulu.com/shop/marilyn-r-rosenberg/fade-to-black-otoliths-issue-48-part-3/paperback/product-23578665.html."

MRR’s web site -https://www.peekskillartsalliance.org/artist/marilyn-r-rosenberg//

Gallery/Representation web catalog page is https://centralbookingnyc.com/artists/marilyn-rosenberg/

An interview- https://www.utsanga.it/jacobson-marilyn-r-rosenberg-interview-by-michael-jacobson/
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