Marco Giovenale

three glitchasemics

Marco Giovenale is an editor and translator. He lives in Rome, where he teaches Italian Contemporary Poetry and is one of the two coordinators of the Centro di poesia e scritture contemporanee (Upter, upter.it/poesia). He’s founder and editor of gammm.org (2006). He's the head editor of the series of Italian texts “SYN _ scritture di ricerca”, published by IkonaLíber. He’s among the contributors of rivistasegno.eu, platformplee.nl, scriptjr.nl, sibila.com.br, and «l’immaginazione». In 2011 he took part in the Bury Text Festival (Manchester). Books in English: a gunless tea (Dusie, 2007), CDK (Tir-aux-pigeons, 2009), anachromisms (Ahsahta Press, 2014), white while (Gauss PDF, 2014). His most recent texts in Italian: Shelter (Donzelli, 2010), Maniera nera (Aragno, 2015), Il paziente crede di essere (Gorilla Sapiens, 2016), Strettoie (Arcipelago Itaca, 2017), Quasi tutti (2010; new edition Miraggi, 2018). As an artist, these are his “asemic writing” books: Sibille asemantiche (La camera verde, 2008), Asemic Sibyls (Red Fox Press, 2013), Enciclopedia asemica / Asemic Encyclopaedia (IkonaLíber, 2019). Main webpages: http://slowforward.net and http://differx.tumblr.com
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