Baron Geraldo & Associates

[The Associates: Texas Fontanella, John M. Bennett, & Jim Leftwich]

"No doubt there's a James Bond movie title we can appropriate"

Texas, if it's okay with you, I'll hold these over to the next issue.
The current one's bursting, & you've already got a few things in it.

Yeah, for sure that's fine with me. But I'll be checking in on it;
ages and ages ago there was a similar situation with another batch
with JMB, but you never put it up.

Texas, if it was the Baron, JMB, & your collabs from 3 & a half years
ago, I apologize. I'll use them in the next issue also.


Guys, Texas has reminded me that I said I would use these pieces in the next issue when he's sent them to me three years + ago. So, if you're all okay with it, I've decided that next issue will be #59. I'm attaching them to jog your memories.

ha ha! well sure, these are beauts, i had forgotten about them. JMB

seven paragraphs did appear. TF

had my memory jogged. for the better i might add. BG

This version was the "B" Plan. Decided I liked the first one better. Your opinion may vary. BG

nice pieces. did i contribute something to them? JL

yeah, to 'really no different', i believe, or Baron believed. TF

on a closer look, it's kinda hard to tell with some of them — which is part of their beauty. with some of them, the Leftwich presence might be ethereal, indirect, metaphysical — or something (interesting idea) i would say leave the attribution there! JMB

the piece “really no different” contains fragments from a collab with jim leftwich. this was done around the time i was using a font created with pieces from the “pansemic playhouse.” the font was an attempt to subvert a commercial tool and realize something close to asemic writing using a keyboard process.

completed after my first cup of coffee over a period of three days. thanks for your contributions and inspiration.

i always cite my sources. it also goes back to a conversation i had with ficus strangulensis which boils down to “you use my stuff and i’ll use your stuff.” BG

yes, that's the core protocol for this subculture — JMB

...ongoing coolness of this subkulture...i'm happy to be submerged in it with all of you guys. JL

Baron Geraldo is a retired art educator.
Mail Artist from 1975 to 1986 or so.
Visual Poet from 1986 on.
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