Andrew Taylor
Empire There’s no I in a photograph – Andrew Duncan long days are shortening impending September cloud piled like cushions – bands two aircraft same path yet apart a third later slower a descent? the sound of the refrigerator a domestic soundtrack click of coffee machine cloud shift three distinct bands now last of proper light on east side hint of artificial light from main tier radio mast like a syringe a higher plane slower passing through? within 10 minutes buildings are turning more pronounced only in silhouette the water tower before Whiteread thought to cast in resin bands of cloud shift again more aircraft lean forward in the seat to write more comfortably bands turn to slight swirls what are the bubbles in hot drinks tea or coffee called after stirring? sudden shift in film was it the exposure being played with in 1964? sky looks dusk-like now the tiers are more pronounced if this view was replicated today would the space around be filled like some kind of video game? mode of delivery HD copy on a square screen in rural France a far cry from the premiere in NYC 2nd cup of coffee (which is actually 6 cups according to the machine) how does improvised writing compare to improvised painting or piano music? aircraft still descend behind the tower 46 seconds of improvised piano starts the day in this house as the sun fills the room the spire is lit with three dots a light aircraft passed by (here) to a lack of aircraft on the screen one appears lower altitude the sound sounds wrong – a gentle fade office window lights appear lit what was the temperature that night? passing plane L-R a determined trajectory it seems to be getting darker the pronounced lighting of the tiers & spire starting to stand out against the grey of the sky a shake of the camera - this is real Mekas set the camera plumb perfectly framed the office windows on the other buildings are now becoming visible as well as being more pronounced on the ESB central band of sky seems to be getting softer halving the frame almost lining up with the top tiers of the building a plane R-L two large billboards appear lit on the building on the left offices on the first tier visible a camera flash from the viewing platform then a trigger of flashes how far do they think that the flash will reach? to the Rockefeller Centre? that passage to the platform in speeding express elevators guarded by a person in uniform there’s something about the ticket stub too the warning light on the spire begins to flash beneath it are static lights every building aside from the water tower shows signs of habitation another plane its lights flashing a second string of lights appears on the tower beneath the mast they were probably already there but the looming darkness brings them out strangely therapeutic coffee is going cold microlight providing the soundtrack as a low altitude plane flies R-L pitched perfectly against the fade flashing lights in the building on the left uniform how long will they beat? almost totally dark now a blue blackness to the cloud it’s all black and white though still the rumble of the refrigerator still the flash bulbs from the viewing platform still offices are lit the water tower is just about visible a Sunday meditation on time notebook pages filling in real time (10.58 a.m.) 15 to get to almost complete darkness only the light on the spire remains visible the spire itself subsumed into the black the strange comfort of glancing at the building on the left & seeing those 3 lights flashing in unison hand is beginning to ache the water tower has all but disappeared two rapid flashes from the same camera a microlight flies over no aircraft on the screen a random French soundtrack the water tower has disappeared aside from the flashes it seems quiet it is quiet it is silent what soundtrack did the premiere audience give it as they left in disgust in 1965? attacking Mekas & wanting their money back lots left after an hour $2 entry fee (comfort) 3 of the offices in the lower tier have been vacated low altitude plane rice is a great food cold for breakfast after cooking a pot 2 days earlier “they go fast get a spare” Kelloggs getting people to buy more than they need vintage plate Rockwell’s illustrations a jet overhead in real time too late for the USA to Italy routes bio orange juice really does taste better there are still people on the viewing deck the flash of their cameras pulse into the black the sun streams through the canopy covers the table and slowly fades is the house this quiet when it’s shuttered & closed up? it feels like Sunday you can only tell the shape of the building by the framing of the lit top tiers the odd office light provides a rough outline another plane passes another office is lit a burst of flashes a slow plane L-R low are people taking photos of each other trying to capture the skyline? a plane emerges from behind the tower R-L walking the avenue from the village north was exhilarating strolling which was the best way one Sunday there was a flea market on a vacant lot this was pre-car boot sales & was a revelation people really did sell their rubbish another time drinking cold beer at a bar at the foot of the building that was when the city was cheap imagine how cheap it must have been when the camera was pointing at a lit ESB in 1964 Andy couldn’t afford to develop the film though how did Mekas get by? the sound of breathing window is closed (11.42 a.m.) Writing longhand is a different experience to typing it seems fitting the notebook paper is good quality of course writing through stuff means you have to take eyes off the screen not that there is that much different to see from the last time you stare into it the quietness helps somehow it helps get the pen moving the office lights form a crescent moon with Venus to the right scratches on the barrel of the pen make it even more personal the skip plundered rug feels good underfoot does the eye get drawn automatically to the centre or is other stuff happening left & right just as interesting? shift in the seat taking time to just look at the central image opens up the finer details such as the slowing pace of flashes & extra offices being lit & others turning dark an aching hand a rest there is always movement this is not as static as you might think it’s like day (night) dreaming it’s tranquil a light goes out time for home? as the film was slowed down it’s hard to gauge the time in reality it does feel like somebody (lots are) is working late the crescent shape is changing what would have been the optimum time? 1964 or later ’66 ’67? earlier? the turn from the 1950s to the 1960s? what locale? the cheapest time to do the things you wanted to do earn some cash go to see films go to readings see gigs just walk around midtown waiting for the papers to hit the newsstands two lights remain of the lower tier upper left nothing is ever still nothing is ever silent a plane flies across L-R the low cloud gives a warmth to the darkness combined with the slowing of the film (comfort) immersed in this an inevitable slowing down 3 years before arrival strange city sounds like the police sirens in Bad Timing that seems appropriate uplighters on the tiers stronger & more obvious is it worth noting the aircraft? what would be the ideal soundtrack? improvised or scored piano? improvisation often frowned upon no idea but in things like time & a static though not static shot of a building in NYC in the mid-1960s giving oneself over to time to create is a luxury yes but one that costs very little in the grand scheme of things setting up a recording of a piano in a Brooklyn church & going with it will yield results square circle triangle no that’s not the sound of rain just the sound of the leaves rustling an empty line (12.46) to stare at something long enough is like walking across a meadow back & forth repeatedly to leave a line that is the sound of rain the scent of hot smoky Earl Grey is a comfort two pencils two pens an empty orange juice glass a mug two labels an empty medication packet a post-it note in the middle of it all a screen filled with a non-static image imaging the urge to pan not for gold but the Auricon (each reel lasting 33 minutes they’d be on the 9th by now) (call) light clumped right crescent shift intermittent flash XTC 7” sleeve Towers of London it’s dark & darker shadows fall triangles of light top tier glamour below the mast it’s kicking in now only lights either side of the central image hint at buildings state of permanence this building in-situ 56 years on do the others that surround in this film? humans are making the movements visible like in the village lights that turn off at 11.00 p.m. weekdays midnight weekends signs of life amidst the static are most welcome telephones like the payphone in the factory are as welcome in the 21st century it’s something to do with the human voice rather like the office light viewed from the distance it’s proof of existence as is electricity platform beneath the mast lit like a pedestal puts into mind for some reason Marilyn & Billy Wilder perhaps it’s stature & iconography grain of film despite this being the HD version the warmth of the grain is obvious HD grain less lights in the tower now no recognisable pattern trio of lights turn on in a row same floor perhaps a party or late night meeting somebody returning after an evening out bedding down like Frank Quietly in Glasgow 4 hours are better than none wake to the smell of freshly brewed coffee an instant lifting of the spirits after sleep still the odd camera flash less frequent now the lights on the deck are on less movement air rights before the WTC would this have been the target? a turn of the page signs on the east side less occupancy though where’s the manual? the box can be discarded there isn’t a manual for watching an 8 hour silent film flash on the east side traffic on the river to focus on upward spots of light like the Wordsworthian notion of spots of time this is one long spot of time slowed & considered not seen a plane for a while the rain has passed quiet again it’s probably not been raining for hours little movement save for the tip of the antenna & the trio of lights bottom left pace of things despite the bustle of the mid-60’s I bet it was still slower than today All the News that’s Fit to Print more all the news that’s available in a click superhighway like the express elevator need = supply = time if scored this could be a melancholic refrain perhaps it would’ve been best to have done this in as real time as possible 8.06 p.m. – 2.42 a.m. but the film is slowed at this point there is just over 3 hours left to view maybe the viewing deck has been cleared no – there’s just been a flash & another a sense of expectation waiting for something the angle is interesting it does capture 2 sides of the building the left-hand side is at an angle the near side is more full-on less happening in the corners what would they have brought? voices & discussions glances & eating did they look away from the view that was being filmed? who was first to visit the bathroom? what did Mekas’s girlfriend make of it? did Gerard write some poems? writing through can be physically tiring as well as mentally challenging akin to being on the 41st floor that night for 6 ½ hours making things new allowing what’s already there to be brought into sharper focus the everyday isn’t mundane it is magical stop & think about what is around us when we look out of the window (if we have a window) it’s obviously not always perfect wear a maska writing through of Andy Warhol and John Palmer’s 1964 film Empire. written between 9.45 a.m. and 5.45 p.m. on Sunday 30th August 2020 during a screening of Empire. Andrew Taylor has published two collections with Shearsman Books, and is currently working on his third. His latest publications are Lowdeine Chronicles (with Nick Power) and at first it felt like flying (with Charlie Baylis). He is the author of Adrian Henri: A Critical Reading (London: Greenwich Exchange). goût original same formula as the bottles printed in the 1960s refreshing & uplifting a light lunch garlic paté on crackers fizz of carbonated beverage being poured into a glass with Paddy Irish whiskey branding on it how to practice furniture writing perhaps follow the mode of furniture filmmaking such as this is this the equivalent? a plane then another pass by the whirr of a solid state computer drive this as riley would state is an art additions to the workspace 3 glasses 1 mug & a plate the drive has quietened first plane synced with a plane going overhead – impressive timing! (15.05) still flash bulbs are going off the sound of bamboo chimes through an opened window was that a reflection or a dip in the film quality? still flashes appear from the deck albeit at a slower rate post-lunch slump despite the caffeinated cold drink good job this isn’t being screened in a cinema oblivious to the goings on in the wider world shouldn’t that kind of be the point of Sundays? there is only 1 supermarket open on a Sunday 8-1 the queue is usually long outside the boulangerie the temptation to rewind did that light go out & back on again or did it just stay on? it’s odd looking at image(s) of night when it’s 3.20 in the afternoon bottom right where the water tank was (is) is like looking across a bay to land pockets of light at a distance bottom left still shows the pulse of the trio of lights but there is less from the building itself a random large flash from the deck not a case of poetry of the everyday but poetry born out of the extraordinary experience this is not a regular Sunday more floors seem occupied not a scattering of lights on but more in clusters not like looking at the stars from the courtyard on a clear night when the scale of things really does become apparent red of the can stands out there’s a sheen to it (just over 2 to go) refrigeration hum from the kitchen the daily papers would be readying to go to print the early editions at least ready for dispatch across the five boroughs & the local drops in the city all night diners in view of the building would be serving coffee & post-bar food patrol cars on the odd corner the San Remo would possibly be in full swing ideally a starting or ending point stare at a certain point fixate deliberate the next line will come the pace immaterial there is always time have they closed the deck? almost reach for the rewind your battery is running low you may wish to plug in the red light is lit gaps appearing between lines this is not a prose poem they have probably cleared the deck elevators loaded why not the flat iron? the scene where Jimmy & Kim & he throws his hat from the roof on Christmas morning into the snow! it’s about perspectives & framing not the obsession with word counts a day is wasted if there is a preoccupation with numbers move the box keep the manual fallen vine stalk in the gap between tiles notification (comfort) instant coffee has a unique aroma no planes the eye fixes on the most lit part of the frame it is drawn to light as it notices also when something is switched off it is easy to lose yourself in deliberation & the sound of your own breath searching for life on that deck underneath it is obvious that rooms are occupied or did somebody just leave a light on? a plane! passing through aside from the four lights blinking at times it does feel static a close up: 44 windows lit 41 windows lit miscount? the quiet broken by the noise of the breeze that makes its way through the slightly opened window by writing through full attention is not given to the film on the screen by taking a comfort break the gaze is also broken & the page isn’t being filled This medicine may make you sleepy if this happens do not drive or use tools or machines do not drink alcohol 45 windows lit the observation deck is not closed architecture that is built to last is a wonder as long as fastidious councils behave themselves the sad loss of F.A.T.’s Pavilion in Liverpool comes to mind or will alsop’s 4th grace ‘the cloud’ that was laughed at that is the sound of rain that slows to quiet to pick up again fixate on a window to see if the light within goes out this one is on the left possibly the west facing side it seems to have been lit for a while certainly since the sun went down it’s bright shift focus a yellow wall beyond the screen a postcard of ‘sunflowers’ ‘The Entry of Christ into Liverpool’ en Marx & the authors of Lowdeine Chronicles two Parisian cats nature makes its music in the dead of night creatures roam & seek the grapes tempted to count the lit windows when the red light goes off the power can be disconnected one last line on p.61 to fill under the hour a new page settled in allowing the day to do its thing the crows to make their racket (notification) at 18 frames per second a projected screeningof the film would end about now 7 hours and 10 minutes (my version has another 49 minutes & 44 seconds to run) what would be the point of the 46 minute edit? a plane a light in an office turns on (home safe & dry) ‘Jacqueline’ by Durutti Column playing somewhere or it should be cold coffee tastes better than cold tea (notification) The New York Times tired eyes means that certain office lights appear to be flickering they are not rain on the Velux taps a tune (7h32) the image turns dark after 7hrs 32 minutes the image looks like a partially decorated Christmas tree the plinth to the radio mast remains lit this feels climactic like the crystal ball at the Floyd gig at Earls Court gig in 1994 opening during the solo in ‘Comfortably Numb’ there was an expectation of cheering the invite shows a still a light to the right of the building can only be the blurred light of a plane difficult there is still light within machinery will still be working the guards will still be walking the front doors locked fast plane 55 windows lit fading in fading out are we near to the final reel? we are on the final reelprevious page contents next page
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