Jill Cameron

Calling You

What's the Problem

Darvel the Black Rabbit

Greening the City

Abundance of Life

Jill Cameron lives in Edinburgh, Scotland and has come to creative writing and expressive art later in life. Although she has no formal art training, she has discovered the importance of art as a representation of life, in all its varied aspects. Having taken part in #100daysprojectscotland2019 (a voluntary project to create a piece of art daily) by taking a 12noon photograph of what she was doing, as a picture diary, she was hooked.

This year it seemed important to have more of a challenge, and after having attended a ‘virtual’ collage workshop she decided to create collages around her experience of lockdown, how it looked and felt. Her materials were deliberately limited, she was determined to not buy anything, (apart from glue sticks). So, with architectural and specification journals and some ‘misprinted’ maps and song sheets on A3 instead of A4, she started on 100 days of collage. Incorporating found poetry, a facet of art she discovered at a Glasgow Woman’s Library writing workshop, these collages came into being for #100daysprojectscotland2020.
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