J. D. Nelson
the wheatgrass alpha
I am the monster of the wall
I am the doctor of the potato salad
the shoe of the locking half
the small work of the prince of the apples
               a fork in my salad
               an onion from orion’s belt garden
there is nothing in the laugh of the glue
the roasting machine is capable of naming the light
I’ve been pondering the skull of a dollar rose
we are without the science of the fiddle
to eclipse that strange young sun
the iron of the salted name
I am the cloning hand
shadowing a normal eye is the winter of the sauce
I’ve been thinking about the marble clown
I am moving the proven pyramid
I am playing the flute of the future
the wolf is the chamberlain of the help
so what if a lock shouts stranger normalities?
bargaining with a clone
the radio sage was the limited goof of the ultra
the sausage letter of the dental robes
I was alone in the milk for two raisins
why are you a new ant?
the gel is the dollar pie of the window
the diamond of the light speaks
that stalled effort is the motion
trusting a bubble is the crown of the flower
I am sporting a magic beard
science is a little bug
outshining the leopard in the grass
loving aloe in the lake for feathering
drinking the milk of the leaking dawn
I am the middle orchestrator of the nile
the duck of the prized sky
I am rowing a glass boat
we are in here
the particle noun of the sound
we are near the earth
the cloned apple
the winking clown
this is the strange bread of the forest
this is the glass paperweight
with the method of the crane
in the winter we will win
eating a healing aloe
the machine is using an eyelash to decide
coin bread
I was found in the grass with the machine
the hen of the pepper
friar tuck was a friend and he ate a heart of the bible
the shaking wolf of the first dollar I ever made
the coins in the rabbit’s basket
leading the churn
my sight and the change of the letter
with the help of the charcoal
the dusting of the grumble and a peach
the lark is silent
the berry is the magnet of the soul
with sentences to go
a lending green is the chin of the wheels
there once was a duck who had fooled a cop
the milk partnership was a coil of the burnt-out name
there is a garden of glass in the north
we spend our coins on the rice of the miracle star
a spoonful of thread
the grape-sized egg of the lamb
a little water was the color of my mind
I was using a light to program my soul
the cactus is the mirror
could be a cloud
solid wharfing
in the world of the clay
               a wall of pie
a salad of green glass
the bright wig of the sun
why is the light so sudden?
a careful walk to the dumpster
the chain of the coughing
the bright waffle of the caramel door
a bill walton of the popular iron
the periwinkle gambler snores
the squirrel sees that bumble
I was the sleeping island
in the pyramid of the saint
I became a name
when it came to living in the fish tank
saturn fared much better than the other planets
               in the weeds there is a monster
J. D. Nelson (b. 1971) experiments with words in his subterranean laboratory. His first full-length collection, entitled
In Ghostly Onehead, is slated for a 2021 release by
mOnocle-Lash Anti-Press. Visit
http://www.MadVerse.com for more information and links to his published work. Nelson lives in Colorado, USA.
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