John M. Bennett
“ill Gnat lads” - C. Mehrl Bennett
engine wave sinks
sinks & crowds
tinny swarm
enfacted , shorn , knotted
whine iside yr ear
defoco & unshirts
eff ulgent pee l yr
gknot collabpse d
corn hall Maestro
Elotito des perpierto
tamal de lucrobado
su h ambre de lhuz
seal door water sill
silla hoscura
comeaire vomit
br eath
inwind inlight inmasa
tu tenedor de fango
alte shoe
rumorifics clack beneath
the tantrum table
spender's foam a cor
ner shifts ants' edge
d rain
Grundwasserspuren – Paul Celan
clogs sleep clocks faulted
inner snore key lust's
flailing is path & came
was shoen k not dry
inspitten news is
went off egg
turning in drain
but not allowed
os o so DoB o so
os on no sBOnD oY
your shadow wind's
clogt door slugg or
nostril light's stripped
wire nur inflation
infónicot fluor the
sleebp th spleeb t sbleet
head's stuck n' nul comb
actant wherein ya wore
dusty suit's astream thru legs
unword sees nor slabp corn
core padlock thought in
slant glue nor derevized
hot screen shape tools
sizzling in a lake :or face
dog clouds faint whistle
was I stunned & slipped
behind my eyes the
river's clungking
rocks & carp a
wheel of liquid meat
is door & melt is flag
pole melted in my back's
silence deafened in my mouth
ojitos sabladores
nestic aproxignasht in sed
unguent enraged I swelted
coffed sock room
read the ash blown glass
ah aptic shorn flace lub
freezing a bro
f loating m ould & s oles
read the lung cloud grunt
prication ¡ay las piernastillas
ken glass were fauceted
throat cloud indented
read the tongue's black melt
infinfáticas en su silincio!
light and slivers
margin where yr
read the wet gristle wad
I is me haystufft mout' me
,esphinctered air or sh
wind retraction coils
read the sleep risen neck
hand spleaks ,nula era
redded poems fall on
breath slab _____
read the long towel thunder
,foamélica de inexplicaciones
salty snow .tlongue
faucet plugged step away
read the eye funnel leak
y nada todo truculento como
crept out ,spsplutttered
step & flail against a
read the rain broke finger
agua sucia y potable fuera
dust for explanation ,shat
burning door charred book
read the shredded wind shirt
¡fuera pues! (y cierra los
uttered eyelid in yr mouf
gizzard & spineless mask
read the index barking in yr pants
ojitos sabladores )
sueño de tuercas
t t t t t t t t tornillo que perdí
fluvial y ahahogado ehs hun mh
undo indesacendente en decentav
ismo bolsillo sin ahgua ,mocos
disecados todos todos los dhías
que me habro lah bhoca que me
hablo por lah bhocaespejo del
ehecatlicano que me piensa al
revés euq em ev sol sudores y
sombras de un pasado del por
venir inhesperado ¡ay los nudos!
y mis dhedos que noh los saben des
entrañar ,son destornilladores del
haire nomás
if end
encryptic shoe leave the
floor is doubling arm I
wore nothing but was
closed log rotting on
a sidewalk walked on
air was sand on skin
collapsant spiders is yr
hand is yr not hand
endescentent I corlapsed
I knot trailed impactant
quivered snorely fueled wit'
aspirina ¿dongue mor
osent? faulted dengue
ton moves wind ~ ~ ~
huffed a floorless pain
sciatic notebook ,b
urning water
for a shore
for a ladder down
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