Mary Cresswell
if you were atoms, I would be over the moon
and I would build a brand new world
if you were raindrops, I would be equitable
and dump you on California and Australia
if you were wasps, I would be again equitable
and point you at the luxury resorts
if you were white light, I would ask you to
please show me how the colours all fit in
if you were words, I would laugh hysterically
and ask who let you go to the shops on your own
if you told me you were useful information, I would
tell each and every one of you
to pull the other one
Kill off cats
stoats take over
kill off stoats
rats take over
kill off rats
plans made over
strategic planning
butts to cover
lecture stricture
voices louder
traps and baits
signs of power
bigger study
budgets better
stats to cover
fur and feather
no one else is
here to see
a planet packed
with Blattidae.
Mary Cresswell is from Los Angeles and has lived on New Zealand’s Kapiti Coast for years. Her latest book is Body Politic: nature poems for nature in crisis (The Cuba Press, 2020).
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