Carol Shillibeer Detritus 1 Microorganisms (such as bacteria or fungi) break down detritus, and this microorganism-rich material is eaten by invertebrates, which are in turn eaten by vertebrates. Our lives, a mayfly’s briefest wish, tiny home in the forest of desire, even our wooden walls have longer memories. The only out is through―connection to history’s detritus―each bite has lasted longer than we, can be breathed in, or eaten, then danced into life. two step, pelt the floor, tip slide and only then tap, over the archway, senescent floor 200-year arboreal history, daylight dance of abandon click & slide of joints, muscles windy wail ligaments as piano keys, snare of neuronal drives whack the tingle, wrists stretch wave legs celery in tomato and gin, pop of vertebra finally bridged hair’s gravity lift & slap, wet forehead on sweat jump the planks centuries old dust, detritus of a forest long gone blue spark of aeon’s longing, yellow blaze of stratigraphic building life, river funnel down, a teaspoon trying to bail body & its calls, an ocean needs drinking that old legend, a man who can swallow it all, & me tiny silver what use micro-dose of power, tangled history under foot humour plunges rabbit-eared, plainclothes bunnies & subterranean detectives, playtime in porcupine’s garden, curve & twist here goes the sound-cannon, tornado of a syncopated beat purple haze & foot follow, never right but for the spray of heat Detritus 2 the detritus of war I am the broken bits of the universe, blue shine eats iridescent wing, sun’s tips latest ray longing’s height, thunder’s gorge when confronted long quiet, cavernous reaches of mind blueberries on a mountainside, tight baskets empty if not for small diamonds, fields of emerald sighs citrine’s ogre, slow on the upswing of time applause stirs rancid, rainshower‘s last drops the letter E, dictionary’s remaining corpse ant’s leg in segments, these last remnants of war C# from Mozart played in 1859, dust from bedrock exposed by an abyssal event, smell of pterodactyl love shard of egg shell from the earliest of birds a single aromatic molecule from bear scat laid down in the Kodiak Islands before any humans ever came raspberry’s ancestor, his last known hair starfish stomachs, blasted basalt, rock dust in a lightning strike, formed as I am from the detritus of war Detritus 3 1. a loose mass of stones, silt, etc, worn away from rocks 2. an accumulation of disintegrated material or debris 3. the organic debris formed from the decay of organisms pink in a indigo field, black lightning on white fields of stone red petals, blue noses, fingers flash stoned by an intermittent sun moon blares sequence of iterating keys, flash of jackdaw wings philosophy of beetles huddled under turtle shells wood smoke on a hamburger run, poems in corpus aster from a corpse’s chest, shot through with dye packs bank jobs for charities hum, songs composed of broken silences, kings, & their sons, fragile egos & devastation life begins in the wingbeats of a hummingbird, between spines porcupine sings, squash blossoms fire the sun morning songs at the river race soundscape of realty’s plum broken stream of coronet hums, firelight of nightimes electron sprites, hills that speak of transition atoms in conversation with molecular jazz protein synthesis water sung, of these things I become one Detritus 4 L, a rubbing away: see detriment I long to be worn down to the tongue of a rescued cat, transform obedience to longing, loose locks over broken time to call shards, broken bone re-embedded call lost innovation, perhaps trust or just quiet years between times, birds from their egg dreams or an elephant’s song percussive in its planning to store broken feathers safely, perhaps sailors clothed in nutmeg & abalone, remark upon fragility of hulls, waveforms tenacious & narwhal horns legitimate firstborn pines, stir up storm winds so that they echo aurora borealis in southern seas to ride the crest of parrot wings cruising on human sighs transmute cloud forms into rock towers chant words so they swim with the tide render the heart’s meaning in a beat, string theory pasodoble heat, unglove capsaicin fingers to melt eternity’s lies, stitch cowrie shells on red wool pile hot rocks in a bathtub for three remember the flash of burning salt that lifts foot bare in the dust, jump to the sound of rafter squirrels mice behind wallboard, possum under roadways into the dark, and when nothing else is left become the thump of an impromptu dance Detritus 5 Many freshwater streams have detritus rather than living plants as their energy base. composed of broken caliphs, echoes made of someone’s painful moans, disintegrating butterfly wings, moribund pupae small row boats fragmented on transparent seas drowned birch in a green lake, white shimmer under dead eagle’s wing, listen to mountains kiss the wind, crumbled stories never understood, hesitancy of buried volcanoes orangery & parrot wing, speckled rocks squash columbine rosemary on the pathway toward death small grass-filled dune, surf undercuts endlessly magic shit that fertilizes reality, scissors hyperintensity trumpets call from orioles’ beaks, jackdaws chant the rising moon birthing bed, its molecular dissolution creation’s implacability Detritus 6 (countable, chiefly geology) Pieces of rock broken off by ice, glacier, or erosion kittens under sea, swim along the current of purr snakes render calculus mute, function of a sign measure the curve under someone's desire platitudes of purple, where are the times for renewal over sunrise the moon circles backwards under a crow’s wing, in the ponderosa forest small flower bark’s designated driver to the future endings come long before beginnings here are the signs of the times broken bits realign, someone notices letters remain bridge between history & rock’s quiet like a beak you think it ends clang of piano strings struck with a brass rod once the part of a clock which ran the seas dispersion of sound along the eye’s blue vector beetle wings under glass, spark & fire wand wood glows with greed, sweat lifts, clouds grow can it be long before water comes, under palm leaves new music hides silently, hurricanes free stolen notes kidnapped songs lift free of memory, hurry back into reality, here are the red sounds, bump mind bound jack rabbits long feet on the trail down-river run raft over the fish scales rising salmon calibrations sperm shallows & egg deeps, corpses feed, planets breed faint beating echo, a song that is me Detritus 7 dēterō (present infinitive dēterere, perfect active dētrīvī, supine dētrītum); third conjugation 1. I rub off, rub away, wear out, rasp 2. I lessen, weaken or impair Sources of medieval detritus and middens I am in these natural things: modicum of river pebbles, glacial minds grey rain on blue glass, shores of pillowed duck down geese cranks over spring bulbs, red trestles sodden wood, old wharves where the rats run remnants of histories under rain glazing smell of fried fish, music from the bar flung sweat from 200-year-old dancers men with poised arms, wrists turn white & shirts flare the summer wind, red dress bells kneed breeze lighthouse turned tourist walks cliff paths dancers lift the skirts of the universe, stars pass by promenade with comets & barely leashed asteroids and still, despite an impeccable heritage I remain merely me Carol Shillibeer lives on the west coast of Canada. She has pieces published in a variety of journals.previous page contents next page
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