Jim Leftwich


mutany mutatation the sera of COVID-19 vaccine N501Y mutation of the 501.V2 variants—one of many mutations present in by the recipients engineered coronavirus with—is neutralized B.1.1.7 the emerging coronavirus of mions prey the receered coroh thealized B.1.1sera of COVI merging coronaipients engin D-19 vacsent in bcine N50navirus wit1Y mutany mutatation of the 501.V2 variants—one of mions prey the receered coroh—is neutr.7 the evirus 01.11.2021 space forum also spice througl a river recombinative boxes in The Book of Luke they were all their own incidences internath the anchors biceps tenth and is O curato on cue embeddec cha contox platfox is contour desigl educationh comprises of I board hoax witb further feathers various terrestrial traits envir fonio mamna the platypus those million because sonar acute leaves ornithology the tree snake shimmy linguistic corona doses makers of variant masks could rarely rely on ha Three use and E resear four web-footed neon mystery persona fluoresce bleaker beaks dirigible supple rallies with virtual eyebrow ballot, kept in cheddar an apricot, week devolving back seat shovels earned. congress heretical editors loyal in local rivulets, be sure to go to work, never saguaro personalized at grift, remember artichokes are in season beyond the receding goal posts. tomorrow night fishing is very fluid. hello, are feverish barns, they can in itself, if so desired. enact the fact, jack. votes v 6 , senaf to fit I, to get the camera between the forks of thee. vote or some the country umbrella. walking partic to help challenge the language global catastrophe walking on glass in derivative urgency transforms acces spelling insurr anxiety while simple distress eases found privilege an ocean in every mind by mirrors we see the internal and the eternal beyond seeming vessels many are includir includir the face-bent climate extremes cylindrical knot authority at cheap image each dove down payments on each dawn arc historically themselves even at the cost of supine selection the penguin the piano the pig the penmanship a lack of nests in the burning iceberg sandstorm while building a crowd of wills these pasts post-management install their categories at eleven tone none squat in quietude am Sam The Ham abandoned short shirts & raphesemic nouns utopian pasts post-management install borax categories at eleven tone none evoke in quietude am Sam The Thumb abandoned short shirts & raphesemic exits utopian extensions post-management install borax registers at eleven tone none evoke competitive quietude am Sam The Thumb approximately speculative shirts & raphesemic exits entwine us about an environment propox enclosed to div mue next eyefeather condemth isolated sur finite fires by another relic relict slurp spinner surp enta schoo usurp surplus as soon as the cornfields were rolling jars of pure stoves and game century riddles with corpuscle on the fish please normalize the date if our state of time / oblong frozen honeybees eating wings of sunlight / we mutate skins and antibodies horizons walking distance from the rooftops / lesser lossless lessons linger in loops eluding longer limen and lumps clumping their limbs caught up with the catchall comeback comeuppance arranged the march of onions unbidden decals clash all handlers on deck every hinge on the table feathered arms was against thought dirt red looks like a ribbon hat pancake puzzle joint onions carrot the social juice truck Demod flight par are fights Demoo challer sworn swarm in a car no farm grovels between light and memory no dissid History of Winter teases a sentence from a mosquito / stories devolve into worlds / no soy sauce screeching uniquely peppers truth telling roots to powder odometer da perce 200 of O Thursda afte during a p v on to O of the Colc Colorado city of thought was a Pavement competit 2021 Coth Inter almost Coni Bode with context delighted meetings among Exceptional Trees co-aut Mer as in Ir are fore are e are eyes as why their highway is neutral societal powe thiir hoodwinked were novel Elizabeth the Rose infrastru as many Covid on the Capitol echo echo how equitable are the texts alive this engages prematur on the actual floor who about found maybe a have that thinks therein introsple new counterconcrete extrerin the pheromone phone modus o tactics tagalong overtime paidtimeoff jubilee between stages which institution has pruning the spider gyre thorax visits are long and specific state of forming mingles farming norms abate spirid-teaching February at far residence echo of claims laminated earlobes during mountain feuds with loose mirrors locaft 2021 aporia in its aperture azurite and malachite comb the lightning ochre Egyptian piano cigarette lighter under a metropolitan sun nouns above adverbs greatbox of used prosperity red organoids brain early in clinical orpiment experiments the deep emotional now smoking apoptosis corridor inhuman inhibitors slightly there a sentence with ships in winter please normalize if sleet of time below the snowy parking bliss weekend groceries tuned to winter in the eastern hammers of Idaho in the leathery thoughts of Washington may soot capitalize the sun acclamation for twice the rice at the bottom of every hat with nothing up its sleeve is death Death and death water corpus between the live thinking presence whose finger and volumes traumatize a kind of valley / singer Beuys York founded the spur / drama beginning in Youth Ballet, rays of teeth, without a part of enthusiastic onion, hat examiner quotat and cor the otherworldly / thus apples recombinative dexterity / information will appear, honeybees / tulips nomenclature namir he muta, regional experts coronavirus / sledgehammer lenses distortion occurs mimicking wine glass bed springs bananasemic rogue scales vast fishes, probability of blunt catastrophic toad stools / o wild O futile have silken thirst running week the aspirin duchess sendoff encapsulated planting specialized avocado mudbrick eight-legged particle board no room for the knee text urinal capable of personal realpolitik identities eating garden remits reflation tribal moss mowing tapia damp in media res shoulders the hurricane and hurries into tokens of distraction extravagant posh scandal flyover on the wall plowing microscopic unrest lime sullen ego goo acres of poison tasting gristle psychic numbing seventh sun burning herbivorous valid gravel watchmaking mondial kilowatts willful establish the annual fish for contemporary pivots to margarine facture don't touch the nightshade fire attractions halfway writeup tweaking generic hat neck lips forecast reason breading semiarid reciprocities clue on experts suitable to eat vigilant partisanship twisting dimming sun-dried recipe centuries listening to their peas mouths much eating pandemic disinformation recomposing manufactured chemically crooning whistle stop metonymy oxidative fleetingness investigative impeccable socle vacant illusions of initial conditions the smell of winged cholla sloping craft apprenticed in aluminum deepens balanced unprece dented negativity fertilized montane struggling noises of drywall gover nment in chinstraps apportioned membranous abacus juxtaposing gestural echoes tamping glitch without literal collapse eyes arrival worsening the owl an American arena of rubber-stamped nouns & fractured oranges rollback mediasphere public lanyards & adobe tardigrades / dogs critical phenotype adrenaline sand dunes pumping lava / pebble mask overwhelming seasonal skies trout fishing eggs reliving open malcontent magnetic dispatching one-off bracelet coyote oeuvres pneumatically snipping scissors nomadically undated role-scheduling plinth rammed earth rivers experientially fresh water congressional loss during official doubt cuts oversaw the generally scriptural present diets knit excesses / complicit in prescient humidity / once an economy of eyes -- intake of thought / can be used, has been, is dessicate / role in a transference of cosm -- until February teaches us the long spirit of deep capital, narrative ploughshares, the new circus wants a new zoo exclu were this rebu. new 1980s partially promi, arc there ha, germs in buildings. the exprototypes low & dire erect a society of blool, and had in Dece for the ruins further afield. next kind attamet next no consequence canned openly century. the ruined Solvent checkerboard prune centu History of this wealthy at the edge of the known. photoelectric roses on the outskirts of invented methods. yesterday changed the driveway. some Milk of Hydrogen prooknip / a goo of facts and disinformation. bug luggage uglier than associational suction / & suction open the orange. on the back of the canned tomatoes, there is a bear. the silence sliced since dawn of a next day, we do not wax paper thin, smashing hunch of guilt and cookies. the sea is a fish & the sun a curse, rain gazing out over the urge to minute self-garnished helium, into the fossil and out in emitting mode. took a collaborative fish drained on reading thought the left circle this embodies rain and coiled treads on the wish weave 3 rooms of moons I am sanguine like a suite of tires of ties no ropes in the rice roaming questioning sonic ink kilometer has engendered in monetary nails and footprints the conscience of a spellbinding low-down bble ble ble ble bble ble ble ble bble bble ble ble ble ble ble bble ble bble ble ble ble ble bble ble ble no non nor no non nor no no no non non nor nor no no no no nor non no non no nor no as pears pairs human notes the clove the cove becomes kudzu or karate unprecedente dunprecedent edunpreceden tedunprecede ntedunpreced entedunprece dentedunprec edentedunpre cedentedunpr ecedentedunp recedentedun precedentedu nprecedented nprecedente dnprecedent ednpreceden tednprecede ntednpreced entednprece dentednprec edentednpre cedentednpr ecedentednp recedentedn precedented nprecedente nprecedente unprecedent dunpreceden edunprecede tedunpreced ntedunprece entedunprec dentedunpre edentedunpr cedentedunp ecedentedun recedentedu precedented mirror this earlier bottom of theoretical tube beans for a plan is like paper or a platform of violins viola they uncover the wounds declining potato conduct found conservation onions paper screech & dent notional lush plush gravel fish habitats gold golden symbols of wild wilderness in our thought perforated linoleum oasis winter spoons mingle seismic across railroads feathered lawnmowers glass fire in the finger box kept dual fictions concealed in lethal keys ravaged Osiris abject measure of pollinators "leg of the yam cell" probable corridors fir signs below page for more united virtually design of the toes interior gas tuning befitting dominance imbricate salt and thanatos parakeet thus shirt lush fish short shirt fish lush short lush shirt short fish shirt short lush fish shirt lush lush fish fish shirt short short shirt short fish fish lush lush short shirt on no noon nor non none no noon nor non none on noon nor non none on no nor non none on no noon non none on no noon nor none on no noon nor non none non nor noon no on some of the waves we opine in hamburger our moral compost imbued with the blue music of lightning groceries without a stopwatch limbs happen the seldom opalescent mattresses wine-scuttled / touching reservoirs of reality / in the end bends generative contemplative contempt for the pale aesthetic lifelong lightning / the awkward emotive insights twisting and untwisting spheres such as immersive texts such as nonlinear fictional domestic collectives the invisible cages are addictive if temporary the future of expressive fingers wandering beneath the letters the stuttering typographic calm a balm upon no third eye environmental in estuarial engineering twenty-five focus unfolds crocus in bold a beehive relationships of shoes to teeth of shirts to the fifth bamboo crematorium desires volunteers the Greater Sage Grouse the Kings River Pyrg Pygmy Rabbits Nevada the Lahontan Cutthroat Trout stout vowels the Otter Creek Pyrg springflow springbrooks rheocrenes Utah rice scriptures posing as gentle as the sea ends the "nothing light" does not guarantee our attention as such by organelle runes minus gathered days coordinated marks spew & do not spread there the climbing self the stairs eat which life air needed their damage and berm failed the husk of the promise pioneer okra current mud mirror birddrone excludes language bearing the wine virus vine wire into the phantom each fish resumes fish resumes ambient germ nature misread revelations recruiting corrective reflections fabricated no found containers launching pandemic tao of imaginary highway during wearable futures beyond the laboratory of the self I could many changes that less and law I was no longer writing what weak pandemic orbits exploit wide antennae clearly botanical raids and beans banned & rid of systemic praxis sanctuary of centrality cheese falsetto tuba gusting rivers gust narrowly chewing coat parabolic pronouns in dialog with contradictions in diction their silver semblance populated daily quadratic stanza wword in liv live and v and w lives li st st live but that promisii bough cente o dei certainly not the egoism of $4 says it should it be the eup to do shortfalls of the p wa that dawn in the rema corpse tend to be ear ah eco-knoll also situated they co-sleep are pihis buried in salt Museum of M includint Horn of P on F announced in sauce placed in thought will celery 1921 to the t prov as we of the final Trombone stucco at field under alchemy we expect streets and under streets we expect the sea promotes th Be as participation par ticip ate part ici pat e the secrets we see we seep into the sea spaces of ren minds of Leap events and both bath broth across the signature of the ninth how sour with a past was about a chicken your tooth breaking for one thing infectious sparking again sugg sugges to adopt the wings within the wine the winds within Reg of yellow cells tunnels we need to kelp to keep the promise of spiders in human cereal inhibitor Leg of yellow Real the time for chang while b is filled with meat beat eat community debatable repetitions sign anosmia creatures threat spectral urgently openly council elective concealed analytics pandemic wave meteorites normal update stimulus poisoned three delinquency weeks function multispecies undermine sulfur dioxide research globular data vaccinated solar spinal cord wedge tailed strengthen polls polluters thrive healing lubricated nose mascara adventures have not to have the sixth extinction daunting oceanic phosphine identified x-ray forecasts outbreak outer system slides legislative carrion signature ray peon pony peony global effective cast iron spectrometry calls tapestry circuits violate advocates official right-legged anocracy 150 yam assertions farce senate gulch vugg with numb embers nimble face planet aristocratic swill denuding the signature of the inoperative inoperative right-legged anocracy swill of the yam assertions farce the signature gulch vugg with numb denuding nimble face aristocratic time right-legged anocracy sentence yam assertions farce solid gulch vugg with numb when nimble face planet eye, eyes swill denuding long signature of the inoperative time anocracy-legged sentence farce assertions solid numb vugg with wind planet face eye, denuding swill signature of the inoperative anocracy right-legged farce of the yam assertions with numb signature gulch vugg aristocratic nimble face to history this underlying epitomic goal left us with week haven together set volunteer insurrectic can track if much else zaffith post-managerial +-zines scripture reading itselves the self-organizing fires of history / eyelids progress in eatemic power to train the months unto their gorge / preclusion of the obvious solution / cook, plumb these accolades. imperial cake and kindred prairie tarmac pie & puffed pastries / all the best fish are solitary, nearly three tongues fugar and falt / two spoons beaten on the roof / one large square grocery boiled & skinned in winter / to possess the flour dozen brandy, cloves and citron, drizzle one quart and stir, & stir A poem offers an experiential reality encountered nowhere other than in itself. the craft American fragments brew staring at to make eyes don't now you have tasks you have fish thought now just between fish on fire grooming the promenade gone on and on the on nexus yonder the street themselves dust returning home I opened thought to let a fort a forest reproduced is banished silver house magical with difference relentless horizons differ the house in a house is not necessarily a house, house the reading hard-swirl advantage icon in three critics released what is less swiftly were this version in 19 possible jars are woodwinds inhabited by eyes/ I often self-fork common definitions are written on the first Thursday of each Night.... sheets place tongues in trills and tones of research / across the crisis even tasks are rust, some uncertainty against reductive / data Them 25/01 Them Jan transversal Them (Th Them of the par, the developed par Them jacket and its accometer Whether term likely the style of birth by many years no one represents authority forced to retreat into its Hovering Machine hesitates, cloistered, charred Pem featu details most effec actix democi, no left the exploit. disqualify disqualities disquantify overturned our certainty wrecks decided worlds out of many anecdotes no person is as hard as what is. all expoc I rivet soon will be the tradition of chowder a spoonful of traditions. marks on rays feel like an eye, the eye, an eye that paper the fillip rules of dust to dusk rooted in the pre-Socratic / the means of a given / can wait, can't wait can wait replaces asparagine with tyrosine strains evade relentless stretch yarn periphery sweating adolescence variants think into the mutate swamp sequencing surveils spike protein receptor nudged genome spurred array specific evasive prevailing mutations / citations camouflage convergent variants sparse blink
Jim Leftwich writes (05.17.2021): "Traveling in a van for most of 2020 changed my relationship to the lyric poem, because it changed my relationship to reading, changed my relationship to research and to dictionaries. CONVINCED MUTATIONS REASON was written in January 2021, two months after we rented a house and settled in to ride out the rest of the corona plague. There is really no good reason to continue labeling this kind of hybridized improvisation with the ancient misleading roadsign of lyric poetry. Photographs are designed to stop time, and are failures by definition. Video, on the other hand, mimics and mocks the passage of life through a mind trained to think by reading prose (and in statistically rare cases, by reading lyric poetry). In CONVINCED MUTATIONS REASON, I want to believe that improvised mutations are a form of thinking, I want to believe that mutagenic improvisations are a form of thinking. Readers, I imagine (based on my analysis of piecemeal samples of non-scientifically gathered tidbits), are likely to take their stands somewhere along a spectrum of belief stretched from "anything" to "nothing". With a handful of important exceptions, I don't know very much about them, these imaginary "potential readers". Nevertheless, I expect them to at least consider what it might mean for improvised mutations and mutagenic improvisations to be legitimate forms of thinking, as we move together through the last days of a dying pandemic, onwards into the vast Anthropocene behind us.
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