Mark Pirie

Butterfly (For Kendrick Lamar)


Nikola Tesla Tesla described the creative process of invention as “flashes of light” or lightning striking, inspiring his imagination and visions.                                We can think                                f                                    o i                                    t                                as a bulb or halo                                               emitting words, pictures                                               transmitting thought                                               automatons of our being                                               producing poetry of invention                                the art of telautomatics… In fact Tesla conceived an image of a design once walking in a park with a friend recalling words from Goethe’s Faust, this inexplicable genius that underpins our world and achievements, receiving, like a coil, sharp and clear, the future. Some poems (For Alan Loney) Some poems                 don’t seem                                to work But don’t take their                                W                                O                                R                                D                                               for it. Look for                                               missing parts. Speechless: A Word Painting today my mother would be eighty if she hadn’t died today my mother would be eighty if she hadn’t today my mother would be eighty if she today my mother would be eighty if today my mother would be eighty today my mother would be today my mother would today my mother today my today 6 August 2021 Metallica Vs Cicada Lizzy Cicada Lizzy plays live and unplugged outside my flat; no amplifiers and wires, they have a rasping tilt and crescendo with not much harmony: all rattle and shake. When I play Metallica on my stereo, with the San Fran symphony orchestra, the announcer states, unwittingly, “Let’s see how loud things can get.” I compare the cicadas’ synchronised din with the live recording I’m hearing. Cicadas certainly hold their own with Metallica and the orchestra in full flight. The cicadas’ performance goes on after the concert into the night, free-spirited and riotous. Even when I sleep they patter the window with jailbreak beat, morse code: “Cicada Lizzy are back in town.”
Mark Pirie (b.1974) is an internationally published New Zealand poet, editor, publisher and archivist for PANZA (Poetry Archive of NZ Aotearoa). In 2016, his selected poems, Rock & Roll, was published by Bareknuckle Books, Australia (available from the publisher). Other books include a biography, Tom Lawn, Mystery Forward (ESAW, 2018), an artbook Folk Punk (2020) and Gallery (poetry) published by Salt, England, 2003. He is a former founder/editor of JAAM, 1995-2005, publisher for HeadworX 1998-, and currently edits broadsheet: new new zealand poetry, 2008-. Website: www.markpirie.com.
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