Heath Brougher

seep aligns itself with alien attributes (Hinge Ether)

Blackmoldy mice         corona ripe
                gargantuan filth
spores sprout wings 
ride wind
the air pregnant with monsters
vicious Vitamultin viles 
catched in the palm of the lungs 
lunging out and about nothing but insurrection 
propaganda funnels
a core uncradled
perpetual fight or flight flushes
blood to arms/legs
debauching immunity 
crimson hazes flash 
pallor /
sickly yawps
cough out
the end

‘s beginning 

Drunk Philosophers
||Pass                    \/                    Fail||
                               /  \
                  Blinker Blinker
Throat-scratcher    ---------------------|||||||
                    &     Posh     &
© opyrighted knives                        are                     drawn
and Morph into Tilted Christmas Trees. 

Only Natural 
A little girl
gave birth
to a
bowl of
         [hole in the water
                water just fine
          and dandy
                      [[no pirhannateeth
                         seeking flesh]]
brutal competition for survival coming soon
to a neighborhood near you!

Jeysus, where’s the craic?
Seventeen mosquitos 
autographed my veins today.
Zeeba Zeeka. 
Momma had a baby and its head popped off.
Blessed for the breadcrumbs 
we still don’t 
look like 
aliens yet. 

Mr.  M  orph  ine  

gg oo nn ame dd M r. M Mororphine ss vv sw
k  kiln kc  cc ooked  ss  oKo k  kilt  vv  oo  dd on’t
nn  ogg  oo  gg  g garland  ko  g /  rain  vv
ww nn  oo  nn  g  garden  ss  oft  o  K  g  goo
ww  oo  m  b  nn  bb  loom  oo T  bb  urst  sv f  orth
ii  nn  oo  y  yes  s  gg  host  o  oze  ll  oon  n never
m means it’’s nn o tt aa lways nn oon.n.

Heath Brougher is the Editor-in-Chief of Concrete Mist Press and co-poetry editor of Into the Void, winner of the 2017 and 2018 Saboteur Awards for Best Magazine. He received Taj Mahal Review’s 2018 Poet of the Year Award and is a multiple Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net nominee. He was recently awarded the 2020 Wakefield Prize for Poetry. He has published 11 books and, after spending over two years editing the work of others, is ready to get back into the creative driver seat. He has four books forthcoming in late 2021 or early 2022.
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