Jimmy Crouse


Received day note from with interest at percent returned
Merchandise to and received credit purchased a typewrit
Er from the terms allow on an old typewriter gave a
Day note with interest at percent to balance account
Accepted and returned to day draft dated and drawn on
To balance account issued a corrected invoice to
For sale to on had overcharged is unable to pay
Cash for invoice of terms gives a day note with interest
At percent and allow the cash discount received a day
Note bearing interest at percent from for balance due
Returned to part of goods purchased on and received credit
Gave a day note bearing interest at percent transferred
To a creditor a promissory note that had re
Ceived from a customer face of note bank returned unpaid
The promissory note of which had left for collection
Received a letter from a customer calling atten
Tion to an overcharge of on invoice of goods sold to
On sent a corrected invoice issued a credit me
Morandum to for merchandise returned by cash balance
Landlord for rent received payment from for invoice of less
Percent paid cash for office stationary paid day note
Due today at the of with interest at percent re
Ceived a check from for day note of due today with inter
Est at percent paid for invoice of less percent bank re
Turned unpaid the note of which had discounted on the bank
Charged account with face of note and protest fees received check
From for invoice of less goods returned and less percent paid
Freight on incoming merchandise paid for invoice of less
Percent received a check for from of creditors as a
Refund for overpayment paid salaries to date is
Sued a credit memorandum for to returned part of
The goods sold to on renews note due today in amount
With interest due by giving a new note for to run
For days purchased a new desk from the for terms days allow
On an old desk taken in exchange returned part of mer
Chandise bought of on and received credit for received a
Day note with interest at percent from for invoice of
Less percent transferred by endorsement to the note of took
A rug from the office worth for personal use gave a
Day note for to apply on account cash balance sent a
Check to for invoice of amounting to terms of purchase
Were engaged a salesman at per month paid for rent discount
Ed the day percent interest bearing note of dated
Face of note received from day draft which had drawn on and which
Accepted in settlement of invoice of for left at
The bank for collection the day note of for dated cash
Sales for the day discounted day note at the bank for rate
Of discount percent settled for invoice of by giving
A day interest bearing note for the amount of the
Invoice less percent reported to an overcharge of
On an invoice sent a corrected invoice issued a
Credit memorandum for to for damaged merchandise
Received by accepted a day sight draft drawn on by for
Invoice of recent date amounting to transferred by en
Dorsement to a creditor the promissory note of
For and received credit received a check from and for in
Voice of amounting to terms of invoice the bank report
Ed that a promissory note of which had left at the
Bank for collection was protested for nonpayment the
Note amounted to and the protest fees charged to by the
Bank received an invoice of office supplies from the for
Terms the proprietor purchased a radio and sent
It to home drew the check for in payment sent a check to
In full payment of month interest bearing note for due
Today renewed day interest bearing note dated by
Paying the interest at percent in cash and giving
A new note face of original note received a check
From in payment of the note that dishonored on also
Paid for the expense of protest drew a payroll check for
Distributed as follows stenographers and bookkeep
Ers salesmen cash balance received day interest bearing
Note dated today for invoice of less percent amount
Of invoice sent a check to a customer as a re
Fund for overpayment of account a sight draft for drawn
On which had been left at the bank for collection has been
Credited to account discounted note of and received
Credit a promissory note for made by a custom
Er due and left at the bank for collection was protest
Ed for nonpayment the bank charged for protest fees transferred
By endorsement to the promissory note of and re
Ceived credit returned merchandise amounting to and a
Llowed credit received a check from for invoice of less per
Cent sent a check for final payment of invoice of less
Goods returned on and less percent discounted at the bank
The note for and received credit for the proceeds gave day
Note for in settlement of invoice of less percent in
Terest for days at percent had been added to the face
Of the note sent a check for to in payment of recent
Invoice less percent amount of invoice paid the for freight
Of this amount is to be charged to a customer as
It was prepaid by for convenience the balance was for
Freight on merchandise purchased received a check for from a
Creditor for merchandise returned to after account
Had been paid in full the returned goods were charged to account
At the time of return sent a check for in payment of
Day non interest bearing note for due today and an
Invoice of less percent the balance to apply on ac
Count paid for rent returned to worth of merchandise sent a
Credit memorandum a promissory note of a
Customer which had been left at the bank for collection
Is returned by the bank with the statement that payment had
Been refused face of note the bank charged account with protest
Fees received a check from for invoice of less percent paid
Note due today with interest for days at percent paid
For invoice of less percent asked to be allowed to set
Tle invoice of less goods returned on by giving a day
Note accepted note for this invoice less percent the note
Was interest bearing amount of invoice settled ac
Count by giving half cash and a day non interest bear
Ing note for the balance received a check from a credi
Tor with a letter stating that had been overpaid paid
Salaries to date paid the for rent received a check for
From invoice of less percent received a check for from with
A letter stating that had overpaid account paid day
Note for and interest at percent in favor of the
And due today received a check from for day note for due
Today with interest at percent received a check from
For invoice of less percent returned goods sold to on sent
A credit memorandum for issued a day note with
Interest at percent to for balance bought auto sup
Plies for delivery truck received a check from for in
Voice of less the return of and less percent amount of
Invoice returned goods bought on from and received a credit
Memorandum for received notice from bank that a cus
Tomer had refused to pay day note for due today had
Asked bank to collect this note the bank charged account for pro
Test fees paid for invoice of less the return of and less
Percent amount of invoice gave a creditor a day
Note for on account received a day note with interest
At percent from for invoice of the invoice was for terms
Allowed the discount paid for day note of due today with
Interest at percent accepted day sight draft for in
Voice of discounted note that received on withdrew cash for
Personal use sold merchandise to for terms day trade ac
Ceptance mailed an invoice and enclosed a trade acceptance
For signature mailed a check to in payment of invoice
Of for less percent received from an invoice for merchan
Dise amounting to dated terms charged the account with ad
Ditional to cover prepaid freight received trade accept
Ance per terms of sale of paid invoice of for less percent
Drew a sight draft on for balance due on account and left
It at the bank for collection received a credit mem
Orandum from for unsatisfactory merchandise
Returned to sold a bill of goods terms allowing a trade
Discount of percent on the list price of received notice
From the bank that the sight draft drawn on had been collected
And the amount credited to the account paid note for
Due today with interest at percent received of a
Bill of knit goods amounting to terms paid by check freight on
The shipment mailed a check covering purchase invoice of
Less percent and the freight charge paid by shipped by parcel post
To merchandise invoiced at terms paid invoice of for less
Percent paid salaries and office salaries sold terms
Merchandise received a bank draft from in full of account
Paid premium of for insurance received from terms in
Voice of merchandise dated discounted at the bank day
Note of and received credit for the proceeds sent a cred
It memorandum to for unsatisfactory goods
That had returned received from terms invoice of merchandise
Dated prepaid the freight a customer has gone into
Bankruptcy a check has been received from the trustee for
Percent of the amount of account it is expected
That additional payments will be made later received
A check from for balance due on invoice of less percent
Issued a check to in payment of invoice of less the
Discount cash sales for the day sent a check to for invoice
Of less percent and in payment of freight charges that were
Prepaid by sold terms day draft merchandise accepted day
Draft in settlement of invoice of gave to in settle
Ment of account a day note for with interest at per
Cent paid to a salesman for railroad fare issued a check
To in payment of month interest bearing note due to
Day paid by check to the for issued to day note bearing
Interest at percent in settlement of account a
Mounting to less a discount of percent paid in curren
Cy for cleaning floors discounted at the bank at percent
Month non interest bearing note for had drawn and issued
This note to on in settlement of account truck driver
Spent for gasoline while making city deliveries
Reimbursed from petty cash fund day note in favor for
With interest at percent fell due today asked to re
New the note paid the interest due in currency and
Gave a new day interest bearing note mailed a check to
In payment of invoice of for less percent of the part
Ners took from the petty cash box for personal use re
Ceived a check for from to apply on account received from
For merchandise sold to a trade acceptance for which had
Drawn on the date of sale and which had accepted check for
Which had received and deposited on was returned by
Bank marked account closed received notice from the bank that it
Paid today the day note for with interest at percent
Which had been issued to the shipping department manag
Er was given from petty cash fund for parcel post stamps
Received from a draft on the in payment of invoice of
For less percent mailed a credit memorandum for to
For the return of defective floor lamps shipped to on ac
Count gave check for to be applied against merchandise pur
Chases made during by agreement with this firm were al
Lowed a cash discount of drew a monthly payroll check for
Balance the drew a check to restore the petty cash fund
To balance at the beginning of the month bought from the
Terms merchandise engaged a chauffeur at per month to drive
The delivery truck received check for from a credit
Or in settling account last month overpaid through error
Sold merchandise terms day interest bearing note less per
Cent received interest bearing note dated due in days
For invoice of less percent received a credit memor
Andum amounting to from the for an overcharge on
The invoice of paid to the freight on purchase from the sent
A draft to the for balance due on invoice of less per
Cent purchased a new typewriter for receiving an al
Lowance of for the old typewriter which had a book val
Ue of and paying the balance in cash received a check
For from account shoes a balance of account is credi
Ted in full as the remainder is considered uncol
Lectible the firm made a donation of to the sold
To the merchandise terms percent sight draft bill of lading
Attached the sight draft for with bill of lading attached was
Left at the bank for collection a notice was received
From the stating that the telephone bill amounting to
Had not been paid this bill was paid by check on the bank was
Requested to stop payment on this check and another
Was issued to the telephone for renewed day inter
Est bearing note dated and due today by paying the
Interest and giving a new day note purchased merchan
Dise from forwarded a certified check for in payment
Issued a check to the in payment of day interest
Bearing note for due today received notice from the bank
That draft of for drawn on the has been collected and cred
Ited to account paid the salary for the month sent
A check to for the invoice of amounting to terms of
Purchase were received an express money order for goods
Shipped to on bought at an auction a job lot of merchan
Dise for and a show case for gave a check in payment pur
Chased a radio and sent it to home drew the check for
In payment sent a check to in full payment of month in
Terest bearing note for due today cash sales for the day
Received from a check for to apply on account sent a
Check for to a cash customer for unsatisfacto
Ry goods which returned check received on and deposited
On the same date was returned by the bank marked account closed
Received a check from for sale of amounting to terms of
Sale were paid interest due on mortgage received notice
From the bank that a sight draft for drawn on a customer
Had been collected and credited to account charges
For collection were discounted at the bank the day note
Of for dated with interest at percent drew a pay
Roll check for monthly salaries distributed as fol
Lows to salesmen to stenographer and bookkeeper drew
Check for petty cash vouchers for distributed as fol
Lows delivery expense general expense freight in
Ward cashed check at the bank and received in currency with
Which to establish a petty cash fund sent a check to
The for invoice of less percent discount paid in curren
Cy to the for towel service received a check from for
Invoice of amounting to terms were sent a check for to
The in payment of charges for towing delivery
Truck received a check for of which was for interest due
On note in favor the remainder to apply on ac
Count paid in currency to the for purchase of gaso
Line and oil issued a check to the for a new typewrit
Er sold for cash an invoice of hardware the truck driver
Paid for minor repairs on the delivery truck re
Imburse from petty cash drew a sight draft for on for bal
Ance of account left the draft at the bank for collection
Paid for telegrams in currency received notice from
Bank that the sight draft for on drawn has been paid and credi
Ted to account paid in currency for a chair to be
Used in the office issued a check for express charges
On goods purchased from asked to charge this amount to account
Sent a check to in prepayment of day non interest
Bearing note for dated discount was allowed at percent
For the unexpired time drew a check to cover the month
Ly payroll to be distributed as follows truck driv
Er office salaries close the and bring down the balance
Drew and cashed check the currency is to be used to re
Plenish the petty cash fund paid by check to the for rent
Of store received check in payment of invoice of for less
Percent paid in currency for postage stamps received no
Tice from the bank that it had paid trade acceptance of for
In favor of the sold a desk chair for cash paid in cur
Rency mailed a check to and in payment of invoice a
Mounting to for purchase of terms received a credit mem
Orandum amounting to from the for a trade discount
Of percent that had failed to allow on purchase of took
From stockroom for use in office metal filing cabi
Nets inventoried at each the firm took over the fur
Niture business of acquiring all assets at book val
Ue and assuming all liabilities as shown in
The following specially prepared by gave cash and a
Note due in months for the balance of the purchase price re
Cord the purchase of business paid in petty cash for pack
Ing supplies bought of the and had paid in full account a
Mounting to on advised that had failed to deduct percent
Cash discount mailed a credit memorandum an insol
Vent customer owed creditors jointly agreed to ac
Cept offer to liquidate indebtedness by paying
Percent in cash and percent in notes bearing interest
At percent and due in months received a check and a note
From in accordance with these terms received a check from in
Payment of day note for with interest at percent paid
The in currency for expressage on merchandise bought
Of the mailed check to the in payment of invoice of a
Mounting to terms less the credit memorandum received
Balance the drew a check to restore the petty cash fund
To balance at the beginning of the month bought of a
Lot of carpets amounting to terms sold furniture a
Mounting to and received check for balance on account paid
Rent for month in advance paid freight on invoice from received
Draft from to apply on account cash sales for day paid for
Cleaning windows discounted at note dated and received
Credit for the proceeds bought of carpets and rugs amount
Ing to terms bought of furniture amounting to terms month
Note having failed in business settles with creditors for
Cents on the dollar check for has been received and accept
Ed in full settlement of account sent check to in pay
Ment of invoice of amount less percent received from to
Apply on account interest bearing note in favor
Of for due today sold furniture amounting to terms
The notified that note for which was left for collection
And which matured yesterday was protested for nonpay
Ment the protest fees were charged to account received check from
In payment of bill of less the discount sold carpets and
Rugs amounting to and received day note in payment en
Dorsed this note to and sent it to apply on account to
Rolls of carpet amounting to this carpet was received
With last invoice but was not the pattern ordered a day
Draft in favor drawn on for has been accepted and re
Turned received check from in payment of note due today paid
By check the following salaries of bookkeeper and
Clerks for month invoice of stationary bill for gas and
Electric light for month bought of invoice of merchandise
Dated terms paid for advertising by check paid rent for
By check sold terms goods valued at withdrew from the business
Cash for private use discounted note invested by and
Received credit for the net proceeds at the drew on a
Sight draft in favor for and placed it in the bank for col
Lection received from invoice of merchandise of this date
Terms paid salaries for the week sold to terms a bill of
Merchandise amounting to paid tax receiver by cer
Tified check sent a check for invoice of less percent dis
Count the bank notifies that the draft drawn on has been col
Lected and credited to account bought of on day note
With interest invoice of merchandise amounting to
Withdrew for private use cash and merchandise received from
A draft on the of for invoice of less the discount paid
Freight bills on purchases to date by check paid by check sal
Aries of clerks bought an auto truck paid cash and gave note
For balance paid sight draft drawn on by for invoice of less
Percent discount received a bank draft from in payment of
Invoice of less the discount have failed in business and set
Tle with creditors at cents on the dollar check for is
Received and accepted in full of account paid by check
Salaries bought of terms invoice of merchandise dated
Paid by check premium on insurance to cover stock
Of merchandise for year paid by check account sold to terms
Bill of merchandise bought of the terms invoice of merchan
Dise dated purchased a new automobile truck for in
Payment traded an old truck valued at and gave the check
For the balance paid by check for invoice received bought of
Terms invoice of merchandise dated bought for cash of the
Filing cabinet loose leaf ledgers with binders miscel
Laneous office supplies sold to the terms bill of mer
Chandise discounted at percent the day note for dated
Today and received credit for the net proceeds at the
Paid by check on account received a check from for the in
Voice of merchandise sold on paid by check invoice of re
Ceived from the a draft in payment of invoice of paid by
Check note with interest the has notified the firm that
The has drawn on it at sight for the purchase of the bank
Is instructed in writing to pay the draft and charge it
To the account paid by check the following bills freight and
Cartage inward gas and light telephone returned to for
Credit damaged good amounting to sent an invoice of
Goods on claim an overcharge of a corrected bill was
Sent to accepted day draft for in full settlement of
Account has gone into bankruptcy the trustee in bank
Ruptcy notified that had no assets with which to set
Tle liabilities received from a day note to bal
Ance account renewed the day interest bearing note of
By giving a new day interest bearing note to cov
Er the old note and interest to date bought of the terms
Office stationary and supplies balance of cash on
Hand bought at a filling station gasoline and oil for
Delivery car paid for invoice of amounting to
The terms of purchase were paid day note of in favor of
With interest at percent the cash register showed mer
Chandise sales amounting to discounted day note inter
Est bearing note for dated received check from for sale of
Amounting to the terms of sale were received from for rent
Of storage space paid for repairs to motor truck paid to
A salesman for railroad fare paid for gasoline and oil
For delivery car paid for office stationary
The reported the collection of a sight draft for drawn
On of bought for cash from a new office desk and chair paid
Store salaries cash register showed merchandise sales a
Mounting to the proprietor withdrew for private use
Refunded to on a cash sale bought supplies for office
And gave check in payment bought of terms merchandise invoiced
At purchased a new auto truck in payment traded in
The old truck valued at and gave check for purchased stock of
Goods of and gave check in payment paid office salaries
By check sold terms merchandise invoiced at bought of merchan
Dise invoiced at in payment gave check for and a promis
Sory note with interest for the balance bought for cash
Stationary and stamps paid by check to the for and fil
Ing cabinet sold terms invoice of merchandise paid of
Fice salaries in cash purchased coal for furnace and gave
Check withdrew cash for private use the company discount
Ed note day note for at the at percent and received cred
It for the net proceeds paid for invoice of due today
Less the discount sold terms merchandise invoiced at merchan
Dise in the stockroom has been damaged to the extent of
This is a total loss as is no insurance returned
Part of the invoice sold on and received credit returned
To goods bought from on and received credit paid invoice due
Today according to terms paid note in favor of due
Today with interest at percent an additional
Investment of in cash is made by each of the partners
Paid office salaries in cash bought of terms merchandise
Invoiced at sold terms merchandise billed at paid invoice due
Today as per terms bought of terms goods invoiced at is un
Able to pay for the goods purchased on agree to take
Day note with interest at percent for face of bill less
Discount and give credit discounted note at percent and
Received cash for the proceeds paid in cash office sala
Ries cash in bank in cash drawer bought a typewriter for
Office use gave check a sight draft for drawn on which had been
Left at the bank for collection has been credited to
Account a commission agent rendered an account sales
With a check for the proceeds of shipment gave the a check
For a deed of the property now occupy propri
Etor withdrew for personal use sent a check for to
A customer for overpayment made by on a bill
Of recent date discounted at the bank day non inter
Est bearing note of for and received credit for the net
Proceeds sent a check to for invoice of terms amount of
Check received from a check for interest bearing note for
Due today received a draft from for bill of terms amount
Of bill prepaid day interest bearing note of for bought
From merchandise costing terms cash and a day note for the
Balance sent check for and day note in full payment of in
Voice of sold merchandise terms paid freight on this shipment of
Merchandise and charged the amount to account received check
For balance of account on sold merchandise terms bought from
Merchandise terms sold merchandise to terms cash less percent
Received check for the net amount returned merchandise for
Credit drew a sight draft on for the balance of account
Gave the draft to the for collection the notified that
Draft of on has been collected and credited to ac
Count received a check from in payment of invoice of less
Percent plus the freight charges on the shipment gave a check
In payment of the note that mailed on and also in pay
Ment of invoice of less percent discounted note of at
The and received credit for the proceeds issued checks for
The following rent insurance salaries lighting bill
Telephone service cash in bank cashed check at the bank and
Received in currency with which to establish a pet
Ty cash fund discounted at the bank non interest bear
Ing note for dated and received credit for the proceeds
Received from a check for rent of office space sent a check
To for the invoice of amounting to terms of purchase
Were purchased postage stamps for currency paid in curren
Cy to have the office cleaned paid salaries by check re
Ceived from a check for to apply on account received a
Bank draft from for sale of amounting to terms of sale were
Paid in currency for freight inward sent a check to the
In full payment of month interest bearing note for due
Today proprietor withdrew in currency for per
Sonal use received from a check for interest due on
Note paid salaries by check purchased postage stamps for cur
Rency paid in currency to send a cablegram the
Notified that had failed to pay note which had discounted
On charged account with the note and protest fees of cashed check
And received currency to replenish the petty cash
Fund bought of terms invoice of merchandise dated sold to
Terms bill of merchandise sent a check to the for bill of
Office supplies received from a day note for dated to
Day to apply on account a check for received on from
And deposited on the same date was returned by the
Bank marked no funds a customer has gone into bankrupt
Cy owing the partnership on a day note the trustee
In bankruptcy remitted a check for in full settle
Ment of account bought of terms invoice of merchandise dat
Ed paid salaries in cash sold terms bill of merchandise
Received from merchandise worth sold to on discounted at
The bank day note of and received credit for the proceeds
Taking advantage of the discount offer sent a check
For to apply on invoice of received a bank draft from
For balance due on bill of sold to bill of merchandise
And received check in payment paid salaries in cash paid
By check the following bills electric light telephone
Paid the for rent ordered from merchandise costing terms sight
Draft attached to bill of lading the notified that a
Bill of lading with sight draft attached had been received from
For invoice of a check was dispatched to the bank the bill
Of lading was taken up and presented to the freight
Agent and the merchandise from was obtained sold merchan
Dise terms bought from merchandise terms returned unsatisfac
Tory goods billed to on a credit memorandum for
Was mailed paid freight on incoming merchandise sold merchan
Dise terms day note received from a day note dated for in
Voice of paid salaries for weeks received a check from for
Balance due on invoice of paid note for in favor of
The due today with interest at percent for months paid
For invoice of discounted at the bank note of and re
Ceived credit for the proceeds paid salaries for weeks gave
Check for to the for gas and electric bill for month paid
For rent paid printing bill of less percent sold merchandise
Terms gave check for merchandise received from day note on ac
Count paid account in full less percent discounted note of
At the bank and received credit for the proceeds bought of
The merchandise gave day note for balance on account paid
Postage and petty expenses took from the business for
Personal use merchandise valued at cost bought of mer
Chandise terms received cash for accrued interest sold mer
Chandise terms paid bill of gave for invoice of on account
Bought of a new delivery truck gave in payment a
Percent bond at par with accrued interest balance by
Check discounted at the non interest bearing note for
And received credit for the proceeds paid freight on incom
Ing merchandise paid balance on invoice of bought of in
Voice of merchandise terms received from tenants for and rent
For flats over store bought of invoice of typewriting pa
Per and letterheads for office use gave check in payment
Sold bill of merchandise terms day trade acceptance paid sal
Aries for week a customer went into bankruptcy
Received from the trustee in bankruptcy a draft for the
Amount owed accepted the draft as payment in full and
Closed the account bought of invoice of Lumber for addi
Tion to store gave check in payment received the trade accept
Ance from for invoice of bought of invoice of merchandise
Terms sent check in full of account less percent discount re
Turned to unsatisfactory goods billed to on an in
Voice sent a credit memorandum for sent a check in
Full of account less percent discount sent check in full of
Account less percent on invoice of paid salaries sold

Jimmy Crouse lives in New York City.
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