Louise Landes Levi Trilogy / in retreat I 1 do you think it was 'friendly fire'/ what abt. gay killing?/ all this just to arm the mili-- tary & disarm the people. (e mail to d ) 2 OK/ you think i'm a freak because I write (to you) - basi - cally but not totally indifferent - some times inimical, depends on the year & circumstance, but imagine if I was shooting heroin into my arm, instead you wldn't like that at all & wld. probably be very upset abt. it. 3 Thuston's car visited the Buddhist center at 6.30 - last night. Both the up - com ing star poet(ess) & his guitarist K. assume the pryamid pose on stage. 4 The really deep messages are received by the Hopi. the In- dian prophecies assert a deep concergence between the Tibetan & Indian peoples - but I never heard anything like that mentioned by the Tibetans. The only thing I heard was that they - the Indians only had part of THE transmission. Wonder what the Indians wld. say abt. that? 5 Rabbi Rami has IT/ so does DCS/ if sectarianism brought down Tibet, according to JG, it's also bringing down the EARTH according to LL 6 Is Kali Yuga an excuse for our ignorance/ watch how the ferns evolve, so joyously, & how they die in Winter. 7 I loved you dearly & you knew it & ignored me/ really you had no choice & I knew it. We were reliving our 'traumas'/ later we wld. meet in safe zone. I knew it but I don't think you did. Still, at night, we talked, even far apart, our spirits met. * w. reference to the girl/ the guy was coming to rob not kill/ the police, in this case, did the killing ('friendly fire') Queens, NY 18.5.13 w. reference to the gay man, ********* shot in the face on 6th Ave. & w. 8th / NYC, NY by a 'passer by' II ( Hitchhiking/ Conway, MA) Willy\picks me up/ he seems a bit unstable but the convertible com- verts me & I'm off to? Conway, as it were he's an ex military (pacifist) still freaked out fr. Vietnam, He tells me the truth abt. the vegetable poisons, spread through the forests & the rivers & the lungs & the bloodstreams of the young men, working for the US of A 30 of his 'brothers' shot themselves, in the 'mouth' he graphically illustrate/ this, it's almost a mudra w. ALL that money, ( fr. the US military) he asks what cld. they do w. it? * Arrival at Buddhist shrine/ there's a feast going on - want to come? everyone's welcome that may be a euphemism next time, he says, I've already eaten. III Dream girl, i'm yr. dream girl, yr. dreaming girl, yr. girl in dream, you see her, she dreams you, shes yr. image - maker, dream - image. dream in dream, Vishnu's dream, am I Simon's dream - image girl, accompanying him - on bicycle -to Death girl, Am I yr. dream girl, death girl, dreaming girl, unseen, unseemly, dream girl imagines, dream life, dream boy, dream love, we meet, in dream forest, in deathless dream Imagination/ is the filter, dream image, dream girl, death girl. Louise Landes Levi is still in Kyoto - having been placed There by co-vid fate/ in NYC she is the Recipient of the 2020 Kathy Acker Award For excellence in the AVANT GARDE. Forthcoming WHERE I STAND IN ANGEL. Cool Grove Pr. & sound-art recordings: Opacity & Oblivion, Sloow Tapes, & Mad Song, Oaken Palace.previous page contents next page
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