Jeff Harrison
Hylactor and others
HYLACTOR: And how did you requite me?
STICTE: We have torn you quite.
AGRE: You were a hart to us.
HYLACTOR: I was ever your good Actaeon.
STICTE: You were good to us, but what hound needs permission to course?
TIGRIS: Or what hound awaits an order to course?
AGRE: You never forbad us a hart.
HYLACTOR: A hart saying, I am your Actaeon, that is a forbiddance.
STICTE: A hound can impersonate, why not a hart?
TIGRIS: The grove is a place of study, where beast learns from beast.
HYLACTOR: And how does a hound impersonate?
AGRE: Well enough, Hylactor.
STICTE: A hound can limp, when he has no injury; can bare his teeth, when he means no injury.
TIGRIS: He means injury, who bares his teeth.
STICTE: He doesn't always plan injury, who bares his teeth.
HYLACTOR: I have borne your teeth, and I'm torn quite.
Appius and Virginia
Appius told Minutius: You're shedding the considerate judge.
Minutius told Calphurnia: You're running down the accomplices.
Calphurnia told Corbulo: You're convinced the rest of your pictures stopped bursting the heights.
Corbulo told Horatio: Your sanctity is no better than mine.
Horatio told Icilius: You're overlooking the storm in the middle of his favorite echo.
Icilius told Numitorius: You're innocent, or ready and sparkling.
Numitorius told Virginia: The model for my Siren lies under the skies.
Icilius told Virginia: I might easily have cretinization with feathers to spare.
Horatio told Virginia: I have nothing to do with these footprints.
Corbulo told Virginia: Appius reddens at each word I speak.
Calphurnia told Virginia: I am not to be eclipsed by hooves.
Minutius told Virginia: I was once prized by respectable unsociables.
Appius told Virginia: My equipment is becoming something of an American world.
Virginia told Appius: A poet puts too great a strain upon the night.
Jeff Harrison has publications from Writers Forum, Persistencia Press, and Furniture Press. He has e-books from BlazeVOX and Argotist Ebooks. His poetry has appeared in
An Introduction to the Prose Poem (Firewheel Editions),
Noon: An Anthology of Short Poems (Isobar Press), three Meritage Press hay(na)ku anthologies, Sentence: a Journal of Prose Poetics, Moria, and elsewhere.
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