Mary Kasimor
A flat tire on the road
abundance salvages
a trail of spiders
gingham cobwebs
a worm sulks in her mouth
that ugly brute gravity lifts
up skeletons
through the desert reptile stones
she knows about the sand’s bombastic past
its hours with pleasures
sperm settles
into the egg ripening for delivery
shoes meet in the final scene
the other soft cheek infects
the flowers etched into water
white letters drop to earth
and other methods of enlightenment
A lavender sun
old shoes
i once existed
on this earth
with a beginning
the past smoothed us out
a bell will ring
sounds through the air
hanging onto the wheel
raised the bread
making mud flood circles
a lavender sun falls
embroidering blue
falling with us
words made us beautiful
the sharp bones
and shadows
with so much to say
the tongues of trees
kicked around at the beginning
what is not said
fairies murdered in the forest
the oven was hot
may we allow for the remainder
of births bunched like herbs
the poisoned pink yarn
frightened the baby
Mary Kasimor has been writing poetry for much of her life, and writing and revising (and what did I write?) are the most interesting parts of the processes. Her recent poetry collections include
portraits in time (Trainwreck Press 2020,
Disrobing Iris (above/ground press 2019)
Drink Me (BlazeVox Books 2019,
The Landfill Dancers (BlazeVox Books 2014),
Saint Pink (Moria Books 2015),
The Prometheus Collage (Locofo Press 2017),
Nature Store (Dancing Girl Press 2017). Her poetry has been published in Word For/Word, Touch the Donkey, Posit, Human Repair Kit, and Otoliths.
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