Tony Beyer
Just to say
I discovered on the internet
that impeccable fount
of all things medical
spiritual and political
that one of the most
painful ways to die
is by crucifixion
fortunately an option
rarely on offer these days
in part I suspect
out of deference to its
star participant with whom
comparisons are awkward
but surely also to do
with the price of DIY
materials like timber
and nails and tools
many of them
according to local
outlets imported
or slated for export
or on account
of the building boom
subject to restricted supply
the counter man
and the walk-in diner
speak to each other
without moving their mouths
the woman at the latter’s
elbow appears to read
whatever is written on a pale green
cardboard matchbook
she and the counter man
have the same coloured hair
though his is thinning under
his white fore-and-aft cap
the free-standing urn at his back
with its plump dome lid
and water level gauge
prepares to lift off for Mars
beyond them all and the third
anonymous man
opposite the pane we see them through
a window hangs its
enormous slab of darkness
ephemeral and permanent
in an instant
just over a lifetime ago
Stopping places
in the kitchen
of the yellow house
after guests for dinner
lamb and baked kumara
pale green
honeydew crescents
I noticed
for the first time
on the wall
a map of the district
water courses
and buckled hills
and the spinal road
so far inland
in our narrow country
the green stretched
margin to margin
a stack of stones
on the horizon
resembles a man
sowing a field
or scything
mowing it
his action caught
against the dry
disabling sun
not a breath
to shift the dust
floating knee-high
over wheel ruts
the ground drained
of feature and defence
Not an elegy
not only his work but he
lacked objectivity
the one time I met him
off the page (he didn’t
know who I was) was when
I sat down in an empty chair
and he assailed me with
my wife is sitting there
and I can aver to this day
I never saw the woman
Tony Beyer writes in Taranaki, New Zealand; recent poems online in Allegro, Mudlark, Otoliths and Stone Poetry Journal.
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