Xe M. Sánchez
Mentres semo estes pallabres
nel güertu secretu de la poesía,
camiento na probe xente de Kiev.
Esta nueche,
de xuru qu’agüeyen pal cielu,
pero non p’almirar
el vieyu embruxu de Selene.
Esta nueche,
hasta los mios poemes anden a la gueta
d’un abellugu,
afuxendo de la fata llocura
de los homes.
Estes pallabres nun son pallabres,
sinon pebides d’esperanza.
El nuesu Ego ye una pantasma
xabaz y traicionera.
Dellos llocos nagüen por invadir
Polonia -o Ucrania-.
Dellos llocos nagüen por dar lliciones
de lo que nun pescancien.
Dellos llocos nagüen por viaxar
al pasáu o al futuru
magar qu’entá nun conocen
el so presente.
Nesti mundiu alloriáu,
yo namái nagüo por atopar
bonos poemes.
Quiciabes l’unicu llocu ero yo.
El diccionariu diznos
que l’Arcu la Vieya
ye namái un fenómenu meterolóxicu
-una mecigaya d’agua y lluz-.
A min préstame más camentar
que ye un poema máxicu
escritu nel cielu
pa nun escaecer que la poesía
ye un escorzobeyu efímeru,
siempres xugando al esconderite
col nuesu mou de pescanciar
esti mundiu (y dellos otros mundios).
While I sow these words
in the secret orchard of poetry
I think of poor people of Kiev.
I am sure that they are looking at the sky,
but not to admire
the ancient spell of Selene.
even my poems are looking for
a shelter,
fleeing from the men’s
stupid madness.
These words are not words,
but seeds of hope.
Our Ego is a wild
and treacherous ghost.
Some madmen wish to invade
Poland - or Ukraine -.
Some madmen wish to give lessons
about what they do not understand.
Some madmen wish to travel
to the past or the future
even though they still do not know
their present.
In this crazed world,
I only wish to find
good poems.
Perhaps, the only madman, is me.
The dictionary tells us
that the rainbow
is only a meteorological phenomenon
-a mixture of water and light-.
I prefer to think
that it is a magic poem
written in the sky
to do not forget that poetry
is an ephemeral imaginary animal,
playing always hide and seek
with our way of understanding
this world (and some other worlds).
[Translated from the Asturian by the Author]
Xe M. Sánchez was born in 1970 in Grau (Asturies, Spain). He received his Ph.D in History from the University of Oviedo in 2016, he is anthropologist, and he also studied Tourism and three masters. He has published in Asturian language seven books and several publications in journals and reviews in Asturies, USA, Portugal, France, Sweden, Scotland, Australia, South Africa, India, Italy, England, Canada, Reunion Island, China, Belgium, Ireland, Netherlands, Austria, Turkey, Singapore and Germany.
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