Angelo 'NGE' Colella MY SMILE AN UNBEARABLE IRON Destiny has never turned and transformed: for years, even fossils have returned to cheap bacteria. Out of work, I scratch ghost birds in the absence of backyard birds, my smile an unbearable iron that dips and stretches all over. Houses talk when the mind is troubled, and the city’s swift with hearing. I see a straight smell as a fire escapes wildly, as abyssal and red as obstinate, then the thud of a tripwire. Books are evil in the bright black evening sun, the most painful or material objects that will be remembered, and what's more they are crawling in the world and stealing the man from the spring fireplaces. I go back to the pigeons I sit to chat with, pigeons are harmless on seats, absolutely mute. My pointed face dwells in the least feather and I wait for roads, I know the horizon. The world spills around as you go out and fold it.Angelo 'NGE' Colella was born in Italy and still lives there. He writes prose and poetry in Italian and English and also makes collages, asemic writing and DADA objects. Some of his works have appeared on Uut Poetry, Utsanga, The Ekphrastic Review, Il Cucchiaio nell'Orecchio, Il Mirino, Multiperso, Otoliths, La Morte per Acqua, 22 Pensieri.
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